Keeping other animals

City of Rockingham

Large animals

A large animal must not be kept on any land except within the Rural and Special Rural zones of the district. A large animal is defined as any of the following:

  • cow, bull
  • ox
  • horse, pony
  • ass, donkey, mule
  • pig
  • sheep
  • goat
  • deer
  • camel
  • llama, alpaca
  • emu, ostrich.

If you have a neighbour who currently keeps any of the large animals above, you can make a complaint to our Rangers on 9528 0333.

The keeping of large animals requires the prior development approval of the City. 

Approval to keep animals must not exceed the stocking rates recommended by the Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia.  Please discuss your application with us on 9528 0333 before to lodging your application as information requirements apply.


Poultry includes the following animals:

  • fowls
  • peafowl
  • turkeys
  • geese
  • ducks.

Any of the above and the like shall not be kept on any land except within the Rural and Special Rural zones of the district where up to 20 poultry may be kept.

Roosters must also only be kept within the Rural and Special Rural zones of the district, however, a person may apply for an exemption to keep poultry in areas other than Rural and Special Rural zones, but not all applications are successful.

Exemption to keep poultry in a residential area:

Applications for exemptions should be made to us in writing advising how many chickens you want to have, and include the following:

  • written comment from all neighbouring land owners and/or occupiers
  • details of the number and type of birds proposed to be kept
  • a plan of the proposed enclosure, which indicates the dimensions and location in relation to dwellings
  • details of a management plan to be employed by the applicant to contain any potential nuisance or health risk
  • acknowledgement in writing that the applicant understands that the City may cancel an exemption should we be of the opinion that such cancellation is warranted
  • acknowledgement in writing that the applicant will comply with any terms or conditions the City may impose relating to an approval or exemption.

The application fee for approval to keep poultry is $30.

Information on keeping chickens safely in your backyard is available on the Healthy WA website.

Farm animals

The City of Rockingham Health Local Laws 1996 have a number of provisions relating to the keeping of specific animals, the number that can be kept and the manner in which they should be kept, in order to maintain good standard of public health. This means you cannot keep all animals in residentail areas.

Your animals in an emergency

When an even such as a natural disaster affects your home it is important to understand your pets and/or animals may be frightened and may act in a manner that could cause harm to themselves and others.

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