Network Outage - Mary Davies Library

Mary Davies Library and Community Centre is currently experiencing a network outage. The library is open to the community however there is no access to public computers or WiFi, and the telephone system is also not in operation. All other branch libraries remain operating as usual.

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SmartWatch car driving along a suburban street.

Our SmartWatch service is a vehicle security patrol service and is one of our safety initiatives. The vehicles conduct regular, coordinated patrols in targeted areas to deter criminal activity.

SmartWatch operates from 12pm - 4am seven days a week and can be contacted on 1300 657 123. Outside of these hours, please contact the police on 131 444.

​​The role of the SmartWatch Service is to observe, report and monitor from a safe distance:

  • anti-social behaviour
  • undertake Holiday Watch patrols
  • vandalism and graffiti
  • suspicious activity/behaviour
  • hooning
  • neighbourhood disturbance
  • noisy property
  • reports of off-road vehicles
  • traffic management.

Call the police in an emergency

It’s important to remember that Rockingham SmartWatch officers are not police and they cannot directly intervene in criminal matters or arrest people.Where there is a crime in progress, or a dangerous situation, police should always be called first. For emergency situations you should dial 000 and for urgent (but non-emergency) police attendance you should call 131 444.

photo of smartwatch patrol photo of smartwatch patrol

Other duties SmartWatch undertakes to support our community include:

  • bushfire risk patrolling at hot spot locations
  • reporting litter dumping to Ranger Services and LitterBusters
  • assisting the City with reporting maintenance issues on City property
  • assets, traffic management and involvement in community engagement initiatives.

Get in touch

Contact SmartWatch

SmartWatch operates from 12pm - 4am seven days a week and can be contacted on 1300 657 123. Outside of these hours, please contact the police on 131 444.

When calling SmartWatch, try to have the following information ready for the operator:

  • incident location
  • closest cross street
  • description of what is happening
  • description of people and vehicles involved
  • last direction of travel and
  • how long ago the incident was.
Holiday Watch
Close up of the cameras atop a Smartwatch Vehicle. Close up of the cameras atop a Smartwatch Vehicle.

The SmartWatch team can keep an eye on your house if you are going to be away for travel or work for more than one night.  They will look out for signs of damage to property, suspicious activities or incidents that occur. ​They will report any observations or findings to you and/or the police.

You can book a Holiday Watch for a maximum of three months. 

Book a Holiday Watch

Community patrol requests
Smartwatch Officers patrolling in a car. Smartwatch Officers patrolling in a car.

Residents can request SmartWatch to undertake additional patrols of areas they are concerned about for things like  vandalism, graffiti, hooning, anti-social behaviour or suspicious behaviour. If SmartWatch Officers see something unusual or suspicious, they will record the activity and contact police. Generally, an additional patrol will last for around two weeks.

Request additional SmartWatch patrols

Useful contacts
Smartwatch1300 657 123
City of Rockingham (including Rangers)9528 0333
Non-Emergency police assistance131 444
Crime Stoppers1800 333 000
Victim Support Services9527 7699
Goodbye Graffiti1800 454 883
Department of Fire and Emergency Services (for emergency information)133 337
Rockingham Sea Rescue9527 9988
Rockingham Connect (Community Transport)9528 8562
Crisis Care9528 0333
Lifeline131 414
Kids Helpline1800 551 800
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