Download digital resources

Download digital resources

To access and download library digital resources you will need your City of Rockingham library membership card number.


BorrowBox icon

BorrowBox is home to the greatest Australian and international authors of the world's best eAudiobooks and eBooks.

The collection also includes popular titles of eMagazines and eNewspapers.

Borrow, download to your Apple or Android device and enjoy!


Cloud LibraryCloudLibrary offers the ultimate eBook and eAudiobook experience, no matter your location, age or interest. Borrow for free with your library card from any internet connected device.

Download the app from the App store or Google Play.

Hoopla Digital

Hoopla logoHoopla Digital provides online and mobile access to over 925,000 titles including: eAudiobooks, eBooks, comics, music, movies and TV shows.

You can borrow, instantly stream and download content. All titles are always available – no reservations needed. Download the app from the App Store or Google Play.

Libby by OverDrive

Libby - the library reading app.This collection contains several thousand eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines and comics purchased for the WA Public Libraries Digital Media Collection and made available to public library members. Includes a kids' collection. 


Orange owl standing on top of LOTE4Kids logoLOTE4Kids is a digital collection of picture books (ebooks and audiobooks) in a diverse range of world languages. Children can enjoy   the magic of books and other activities in LOTE (Languages Other Than English) at home. LOTE4Kids has over 3,000 picture books in 65+ languages together with English translations. New books and languages are released each month.

 Download the app from the App Store or Google Play.

 To sign in, type in City of Rockingham and your Library Card Number.

PressReader - eMagazines and eNewspapers

Read or download from the collection of more than 7300 Australian and international eMagazines and eNewspapers - true digital replicas of traditional hard copy editions.

PressReader gives you access to the latest issues of titles from 100 countries in 60 languages. Publications include full text and images and you can search by countries, languages and categories, or sort by alphabet and most popular titles. There are no download limits.

To Sign in: select Library or Group tab, type in Rock, select Library - City of Rockingham and type in your Library Card Number.

To read How To articles and view videos visit the PressReader Help Center.

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