To find out more about how optional preferential voting works, watch this Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries webinar.
The role of Council Member is rewarding and challenging, and can often be time consuming, demanding and complex but it also will give you an opportunity to contribute to the community and influence decisions that shape the future of Rockingham.
Council Members have the opportunity to:
- provide leadership and guidance to the community
- facilitate communication between community and the Council
- help determine and review policy
- influence the local government planning for the future
- help to ensure the community gets the best possible value from its assets
- govern the finances of the local government through the corproate business plan and long term financial planning.
The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries website provides more information on the role of council member.opens in a new window
To stand for election as a Council Member, you must:
You do not need to be an elector within the ward for which you are standing.
Candidates are required to adhere to the City of Rockingham Code of Conduct for Council Members, Committee Members and Candidates. Please ensure as a candidate you are familiar with the requirements of the Code of Conduct.
Both candidates and donors are required to disclose electoral gifts/donations (gift). Any election-related gift received within six months of the Election Day must be disclosed if:
- The value of the gift is $300 or more; or
- The value of the gift is less than $300, but the gift is one of two or more gifts, with a total value of $300.
Candidates and donors should inform themselves of the requirements and obligations of electoral gifts including the Local Government (Elections) Regulations 1997opens in a new window, Part 5A – Disclosure of Gifts.
Disclosure period
Within three days of nomination, any candidate in a Local Government Election is required to disclose any gifts received within the disclosure period.
The disclosure period commences six months prior to Election Day. Any gift received after nomination is required to be disclosed within three days of acceptance of the gift.
Penalties apply ($5,000).
Electoral gift register
Any disclosure of gifts forms relating to a candidate must be maintained on the electoral gift register until the end of the period of 4 years after the relevant election, and include both successful and unsuccessful candidates disclosures. At the end of the 4 year term they will be removed from the electoral gift register and maintained separately for an additional 2 years.
How a disclosure is made
Candidates and donors must make the disclosure on a LG 9A Disclosure of Gifts form and submitted to the Chief Executive Officer.
The Chief Executive Officer is required to establish and maintain a public electoral gift register located on the City's website.
Contact our Governance and Councillor Support team for any further information on 9528 0319.
Candidates are advised to read the information sheet below regarding City of Rockingham Signage and Advertising Requirements for Elections.
Campaigning in a public place:
If a candidate is intending to hold a stall to campaign in a public place, a permit from City’s Health Services is required. Please contact the City’s Permits Officer on 9528 0730 to obtain a permit. For more information on permits visit event approvals and permits.
Candidates must not use the following:
- City of Rockingham logos or crests
- Photos from the City's website or social media platforms.
Candidates may share City of Rockingham information with direct links from the City's website or share posts from the City's official social media accounts.