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Find out the many ways we support the people who make up our community.
Find a venue or facility and learn more about recreation in the City.
There's always plenty to see and do in the City of Rockingham.
Everything you need to know about infrastructure projects and roadworks, and building and planning approvals.
Learn about our vision, Council meetings, careers, business and investment.
We plan for attractive, sustainable suburbs that provide housing diversity, quality public open spaces, walkways, amenities and facilities for the community.
Find out about our town planning services, including our development policy.
Find out about current town planning proposals open for public comment.
Access all of our local planning policies and procedures.
TPS No.2 provides planning controls to guide future development.
Learn about our plan to guide growth and development in our City.
Access the City of Rockingham's structure plans, including detailed maps.
Find out about developments in the Secret Harbour and Baldivis town centres.
Detailed information about the Rockingham Strategic Centre project.
Learn about the plan for development in Karnup.
Our strategy for dealing with applications to close Pedestrian Access Ways.
Information about the Kennedy Bay development.
Information about the Cape Peron planning investigation area.