As part of our Waste Plan we are doing a review of the current bulk waste verge collections to see how our residents feel about this service.
The City has provided bulk verge waste collection services for many years and appreciate this is a valued service for our community, however delivery of the current service presents a multitude of issues for the City, including high service costs, poor visual amenity, public safety issues, and increased illegal dumping.
The review aims to identify a better way to assist our community to manage hard waste and green waste, to boost recycling and reduce waste to landfill. This aligns to our community Aspiration – Natural Environment in our Strategic Community Plan where a key objective is to minimise waste.
To be in the best position to achieve these objectives, we're investigating if there is a better way of assisting the community to manage bulk waste.
The review will look at alternative options outlined in the WALGA Better Practice Verge Collection Guidelines, at what other local governments are doing.
As part of this review from October - December we undertook an open community survey and held a series of in-person workshops. Further opportunities to get involved with this project will be advertised.
Results from the community consultation will inform our review. The outcomes of the review will be presented to Council in early 2025.