Verge waste collection

Verge collection services for residents

Use Near Me to find your property's scheduled collection date.

Find your verge pick-up date

Waste can only be placed on your verge no more than two days prior to your scheduled collection date. Waste left behind after the collection has passed is your responsibility and must be removed from your verge within seven days or enforcement action may be taken. 

Verge waste is collected with machinery which can damage lawn or artificial turf. Please consider where you place your waste so as to minimise the risk of damage.

Vacant blocks, businesses, or parks will not be serviced.

You can use your tip passes to drop off items at the Millar Road Landfill and Recycling Facility outside of your collection dates.

Verge waste collection map and dates 2024-2025


General waste verge collection

A bulk general waste verge collection service is scheduled annually.

A maximum of two cubic metres applies per residential property. Waste must be placed neatly on the verge two days prior to your collection date. 

The following will be collected:

  1. Whitegoods (fridges and freezers) - collected separately  
  2. E-waste (TVs and computer hardware) - collected separately 
  3. Old furniture (with glass removed) (up to 1.5 m in length)
  4. Timber (up to 1.5 m in length)
  5. Mattresses - collected separately  
  6. Other metal - collected separately.

Green waste verge collection

Two green waste verge collections are scheduled per financial year; one prior to summer and one prior to winter so that properties can be prepared for the fire and storm seasons.

A maximum of three cubic metres per residential property, and per green waste verge collection will be collected.

The green waste verge collection is for:

  • tree and shrub prunings to a maximum of 1.5 metres in length and 350 mm in diameter.

Please do not place green waste on tarps, or in boxes or bags, and do not tie the prunings with string. Artificial turf is also not accepted during the green waste verge collection.

Non-conforming verge collection

Verge waste will not be collected if it does not meet our regulations for verge collections so please ensure you follow the guidelines in the Verge Waste Collection Flyer you will receive in your mailbox and as listed above. Officers or the City’s contractor may leave notification for why verge waste was not collected.

It is the responsibility of the resident or property owner to make alternative arrangements for the disposal of their rubbish if the regulations are not met. Tip passes can be used to drop items to the Millar Road Landfill Facility, Baldivis. All metal objects and other items may be accepted at the Millar Road Recycling Facility free of charge.

Review in progress

2024 Bulk Verge Collection Review

As part of our Waste Plan we are doing a review of the current bulk waste verge collections to see how our residents feel about this service. 

The City has provided bulk verge waste collection services for many years and appreciate this is a valued service for our community, however delivery of the current service presents a multitude of issues for the City, including high service costs, poor visual amenity, public safety issues, and increased illegal dumping.

The review aims to identify a better way to assist our community to manage hard waste and green waste, to boost recycling and reduce waste to landfill. This aligns to our community Aspiration – Natural Environment in our Strategic Community Plan where a key objective is to minimise waste.

To be in the best position to achieve these objectives, we're investigating if there is a better way of assisting the community to manage bulk waste.

The review will look at alternative options outlined in the WALGA Better Practice Verge Collection Guidelines, at what other local governments are doing. 

As part of this review from October - December we undertook an open community survey and held a series of in-person workshops. Further opportunities to get involved with this project will be advertised. 


Results from the community consultation will inform our review.  The outcomes of the review will be presented to Council in early 2025.

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