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Life is full of good times, but sometimes there are hard times too, and everybody has different experiences throughout life. Community support services can be there to help during the hard times and there is a wide range of services available to help with all kinds of life experiences.

Community support services can help with food relief, financial assistance, homelessness, legal supports and so much more.

See below more information under each type of support.  Please be aware this content discusses a range of issues including mental health concerns, suicide and domestic family violence.

If you are in urgent need of support or in an emergency, call 000.

If you require police attendance, please contact 131 444.

Support services

Support over the Christmas season

While Christmas can be a time of celebration and joy, for some it can also be a time of stress or isolation.

Though some services may close during the Christmas and New Year period, there is still help and support available. There are a number of 24/7 phone lines (view helplines below) as well as the below services. 

Roses in the Ocean Warmline is a call-back service providing a safe place for people with a lived experience of suicide to connect with others with similar lived experience for a chat in a shared space of compassion, understanding and respect. The service will be available across the Christmas break and can be contacted on 1800 777 337.

Consumer of Mental Health WA's Peer Pathways is a state-wide helpline for people with mental health challenges to find supports needed to promote mental and physical wellbeing. The phone line is run by peer navigators and will still have some limited opening hours across the break Monday to Friday (except public holidays).

Head to Health Centres remain open across the Christmas break.

The closest location is Armadale Head to Health and it is open every day of the year  from 10am - 8pm. This is a walk-in service, no appointment or referral is needed.

Located at 65A Church Avenue, Armadale. 

Salvo's PAL service will have limited availability to help people requiring financial or material assistance. This service can be reached by phoning 6210 3288

Alcohol and drug services

If you are concerned about personal misuse of drugs and alcohol or for a loved one, there are services and groups available to support a recovery journey.

The South Metro Community Alcohol and Drug Serviceopens in a new windowopens in a new window  provides a comprehensive range of free and confidential alcohol and other drug services for adults and young people in Fremantle, Rockingham and Mandurah.

Referrals can be made by contacting 9550 9200.

Domestic and family violence

Domestic and family violence can happen to anyone - regardless of country, religion, sexuality, gender, social background, socio-economic status, age or culture.  Domestic and family violence can involve behaviour that makes you feel scared, involve threats to you, your children or pets, and denies your choice.

Support is available for people experiencing violence and abuse. For phone counselling, call 1800RESPECTopens in a new windowopens in a new window on 1800 737 732.

Daisyopens in a new windowopens in a new window is a free app that easily connects you to a wide range of support services in your state and local area.  

Sunnyopens in a new windowopens in a new window is a free app for women with disability who may be experiencing violence or abuse.

Both apps include safety features to help protect the privacy of people using it.

Emergency relief: food, bills and basic needs

Emergency relief can offer immediate support for people experiencing times of financial crisis or hardship by providing food and basic needs or through financial aid (e.g. vouchers, bill supports or concessions).

You or someone you know might need emergency relief if:

  • buying food or other essential items is difficult
  • it is hard to pay bills
  • there is unexpected family-related expenses, such as medicine or medical costs
  • there is an unforeseen or life-changing event such as illness, loss of employment, loss of loved one, homelessness, or family domestic violence.

Please note the above are just some examples and there are many other reasons why you or someone else may need or choose to access emergency relief.

Please see the Emergency Relief flyer for a list of local organisations that provide food and necessities in Rockingham. There is also some information on who offers appointments to discuss concerns about finances, including financial counselling services.

If you need assistance in paying your Council rates, please read about our Financial Hardship Policy or contact us on 9528 0333.


WAConnectopens in a new windowopens in a new windowopens in a new window is a directory of community service providers managed by the DropIN team at the Western Australian Council of Social Services. It contains real time search results of emergency relief services, with phone numbers, operating hours and directions on the services available.  WAConnect was originally called ER Connect.

Users can search for food relief, financial counsellors and emergency accommodation, among other services, and get a list of services that can provide assistance in the location that is convenient. WAConnect is a free directory for service providers and people looking for assistance.

Ask Izzy

Ask Izzyopens in a new windowopens in a new windowopens in a new window is a free and anonymous way to find national and local support.  It includes services like housing, meals, healthcare, counselling, legal advice and many more. 


If you are in urgent need of support or in an emergency, call 000.

If you require police attendance, please call 131 444.

There is always someone available to listen.  If you or someone you know needs help, please contact:

13YARNopens in a new windowopens in a new windowopens in a new window

13YARN provides crisis support without judgement and a confidential, culturally safe space to yarn about your needs, worries or concerns. 13YARN will work with you to explore options for on-going support. You will be connected to another Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander person who will understand where you are coming from and value knowing how to listen, without judgement or shame.  

1800RESPECTopens in a new windowopens in a new windowopens in a new window

1800RESPECT is dedicated to providing free and confidential support and information by phone and online chat. 1800RESPECT are here for everyone in Australia who may be struggling or looking for support with abuse, domestic violence, sexual abuse, supporting a friend or family member, trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Alcohol and Drug Support Lineopens in a new windowopens in a new windowopens in a new window

The Alcohol and Drug Support Line is a confidential, non-judgemental telephone counselling, information and referral service for anyone in Western Australia seeking help for their own or another person's alcohol or drug use.

Australian Defence Forceopens in a new windowopens in a new windowopens in a new window

The All-hours Support Line (ASL) is a confidential telephone service for ADF members and their families that is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  The ASL is designed as a triage line, which means that it is there to help you access ADF or civilian mental health services more easily. Services that you can access include psychology, medical, social work, and chaplain services.

Beyond Blueopens in a new windowopens in a new windowopens in a new window

Beyond Blue offers free, compassionate and confidential support by phone and online chat. Beyond Blue is there to help everyone in Australia who may need emotional support with anxiety, bullying, depression, grief and loss, loneliness, self-harm, stress, suicide, supporting a friend or family member, trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Carers WA Carer Gatewayopens in a new windowopens in a new windowopens in a new window

Carers WA is an Australian Government initiative for family carers in Australia. It provides a mix of free online, telephone and in-person supports, services and advice. These services have been designed and tested by carers to help reduce stress and build resilience in the caring role.

  • Available - Monday to Friday - 8am-5pm
  • Phone - 1800 422 737 (Carer Gateway Services)

Crisis Care Helplineopens in a new windowopens in a new windowopens in a new window

Crisis Care provides Western Australia's after-hour response to reported concerns for a child's safety and wellbeing. Additionally, Crisis Care provides information and referrals for people experiencing crisis and can be contacted for advice regarding homelessness services. Those experiencing family domestic violence may also contact Crisis Care to dicsuss accommodation assistance and support services.

Elder Abuse Helplineopens in a new windowopens in a new windowopens in a new window

Types of elder abuse can include:

  • Financial - illegal or improper use of someone else's money or assets
  • Neglect - withholding essential care such as food, shelter, clothing, medical or dental care
  • Social - restricting social contact with others
  • Psychological - verbal or physical threats, intimidation
  • Sexual - non-consensual sexual contact and language
  • Physical - causing physical harm.

If you or someone you know may be experiencing elder abuse of any form, please call the free and confidential WA Elder Abuse Helpline.

Grieflineopens in a new windowopens in a new windowopens in a new window

Griefline is a national not-for-profit organisation that supports anyone experiencing grief, providing a compassionate space for people to explore and express their feelings without judgement. In addition to a national toll-free helpline, Griefline offers booked grief support calls, bereavement support groups, online forums, self-care information, grief education and resources, and corporate and volunteer training programs.

Kids Helplineopens in a new windowopens in a new windowopens in a new window

Kids Helpline is Australia's only free and confidential, online and phone counselling service for young people aged 5 - 25.  Kids Helpline is there whenever children and young people need them - anytime and for any reason.

Lifelineopens in a new windowopens in a new windowopens in a new window

For 60 years, Lifeline has been connecting with Australians in need through crisis support and suicide prevention services – bringing hope and help to people anytime, anywhere. Through phone, text and online chat, Lifeline is available to listen without judgement to any person in Australia who is feeling overwhelmed, experiencing crisis or longs to be heard. Lifeline supports people of all ethnicities, genders, beliefs and ages and are here for everyone.

SANE Australiaopens in a new windowopens in a new windowopens in a new window

SANE Australia provides free support, information, resources and referrals for people over 18 years of age, and their families and carers living with complex mental health needs. SANE Australia also welcome people with intellectual disability, autism or acquired brain injury, who would benefit from mental health support.

Suicide Call Back Serviceopens in a new windowopens in a new windowopens in a new window

Suicide Call Back Service offers free professional phone and online counselling support to people at risk of suicide, concerned about someone at risk, bereaved by suicide and people experiencing emotional or mental health issues.


For more information about accessing any of these services, please contact the City's Community Support Services team on 9528 0333.

Housing and homelessness

There are a range of support options available in Rockingham if you or someone you know is experiencing homelessness or housing stress. Please see the Homelessness Reference Card for the local and Perth metropolitan organisations that offer support services, case management, accommodation, housing and advocacy.

Assertive Outreach

What is Assertive Outreach?

Assertive outreach is a consistent and persistent approach to offering services to people experiencing homelessness. Outreach is delivered in locations where people experiencing homelessness are located, bringing service providers to the individual, and does not require the person to approach a service to seek support.

Who is Assertive Outreach for?

Assertive outreach can support anyone experiencing rough sleeping in Rockingham.  This includes sleeping:

  • on the streets
  • in a car
  • in a tent or other improvised shelter, or
  • in parks and bushlands.
Who can help?

The City contacts St Patrick's Community Support Centre Inc (St Pats) to provide an assertive outreach service in Rockingham. The St Pat's Assertive Outreach Team meet with people who are experiencing rough sleeping and work together to solve the challenges they are experiencing.

How to get help?

Anyone can refer into the service, such as:

  • If you are experiencing rough sleeping in Rockingham you can refer yourself for support.
  • If you know someone experiencing homelessness and would like the Assertive Outreach Team to check in on them.
  • If you have seen someone experiencing homelessness, even if you do not know them.

To refer to the service, call the City on 9528 0333, or email customer@rockingham.wa.gov.au or complete the below homelessness referral form.

Homelessness referral formopens in a new windowopens in a new windowopens in a new window

When you make a referral, try to have as much information as possible including a description, accurate location, name of person (if known) and any other details you may have noticed.

It is important to note that the team cannot engage with people who may be aggressive or under the influence of substances.  Please report all instances of anti-social behaviour directly to police on 131 444.

In case of emergency please call 000.

Legal assistance

SCALESopens in a new windowopens in a new windowopens in a new window is a local not-for-profit community legal centre providing free legal services to people who live in the Rockingham and Kwinana region and is located at 14 Council Avenue, Rockingham.

SCALES receives funding to provide support to residential tenants to manage their rights and responsibilities, empower them to achieve positive outcomes by increasing knowledge of tenancy laws and assist in the resolution of tenancy-related disputes.

With a focus on negotiation and advocacy, Tenant Advocates often work closely with tenants and property managers, with the aim to resolve issues in a timely and collaborative manner.

SCALES provides advice in other areas of law that may impact on housing stability and a person’s ability to maintain their tenancy, including family violence, separating families with children, criminal and traffic issues and fines and fines enforcement.

Bookings are essential by calling 9550 0400 or email scales@murdoch.edu.au.

Financial counselling

If you are experiencing financial hardship, financial counselling is a free and confidential service. Financial counsellors are skilled professionals who provide advice and support if you are struggling with bills and debt. A financial counsellor can help you to assess your financial situation, and give advice on what to do to improve your financial situation. Local details are available below, or you can find your nearest financial counsellor on the Financial Counsellor’s Association of WA websiteopens in a new windowopens in a new window, or call the National Debt Helplineopens in a new windowopens in a new window on 1800 007 007 (weekdays 9.30am – 4.30pm or live chat weekdays 9am – 8pm).

If you need assistance in paying your Council rates, please read about our Financial Hardship Policy or contact us on 9528 0333.


The Salvation Armyopens in a new windowopens in a new window

  • Corner Willmott Drive and Read Street, Cooloongup
  • 1800 722 363 or 9527 3460
  • Financial counselling, vouchers and bill support available
  • By appointment only on Wednesday and Fridays 8am-4pm
  • For urgent financial assistance call 6210 3288 9am-4pm weekdays


Vinnies WAopens in a new windowopens in a new window

  • 1/14 Livingstone Road, Rockingham
  • 9592 7816 or 0408 585 956
  • Financial counselling, vouchers and bill support
  • By appointment only on Tuesdays and Thursdays 9.30am-12.30pm and Wednesdays 10.30am-12.30pm


Anglicare WAopens in a new windowopens in a new window

  • 14 Council Avenue, Rockingham
  • 1300 11 44 46
  • Financial counselling, emergency relief, and bill support
  • By appointment only 8am- 4.30pm


Money Mentorsopens in a new windowopens in a new window


WA NILS Community Lendingopens in a new windowopens in a new window

  • 9263 2199
  • No interest loans
  • By phone only weekdays 9am-4pm


Mental health and suicide support

There are a range of services that can support someone who may have concerns about their mental health, experiencing thoughts of suicide or experienced the sudden loss of a loved one.

If a mental health issue is serious but not an emergency, individuals can contact the relevant service below:

Other services

For a full list of services and support groups, please contact our Community Safety and Support Services team on 9528 0333.

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