If you are in urgent need of support or in an emergency, call 000.
If you require police attendance, please call 131 444.
There is always someone available to listen. If you or someone you know needs help, please contact:
13YARN provides crisis support without judgement and a confidential, culturally safe space to yarn about your needs, worries or concerns. 13YARN will work with you to explore options for on-going support. You will be connected to another Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander person who will understand where you are coming from and value knowing how to listen, without judgement or shame.
1800RESPECT is dedicated to providing free and confidential support and information by phone and online chat. 1800RESPECT are here for everyone in Australia who may be struggling or looking for support with abuse, domestic violence, sexual abuse, supporting a friend or family member, trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
The Alcohol and Drug Support Line is a confidential, non-judgemental telephone counselling, information and referral service for anyone in Western Australia seeking help for their own or another person's alcohol or drug use.
The All-hours Support Line (ASL) is a confidential telephone service for ADF members and their families that is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The ASL is designed as a triage line, which means that it is there to help you access ADF or civilian mental health services more easily. Services that you can access include psychology, medical, social work, and chaplain services.
Beyond Blue offers free, compassionate and confidential support by phone and online chat. Beyond Blue is there to help everyone in Australia who may need emotional support with anxiety, bullying, depression, grief and loss, loneliness, self-harm, stress, suicide, supporting a friend or family member, trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Carers WA is an Australian Government initiative for family carers in Australia. It provides a mix of free online, telephone and in-person supports, services and advice. These services have been designed and tested by carers to help reduce stress and build resilience in the caring role.
- Available - Monday to Friday - 8am-5pm
- Phone - 1800 422 737 (Carer Gateway Services)
Crisis Care provides Western Australia's after-hour response to reported concerns for a child's safety and wellbeing. Additionally, Crisis Care provides information and referrals for people experiencing crisis and can be contacted for advice regarding homelessness services. Those experiencing family domestic violence may also contact Crisis Care to dicsuss accommodation assistance and support services.
Types of elder abuse can include:
- Financial - illegal or improper use of someone else's money or assets
- Neglect - withholding essential care such as food, shelter, clothing, medical or dental care
- Social - restricting social contact with others
- Psychological - verbal or physical threats, intimidation
- Sexual - non-consensual sexual contact and language
- Physical - causing physical harm.
If you or someone you know may be experiencing elder abuse of any form, please call the free and confidential WA Elder Abuse Helpline.
Griefline is a national not-for-profit organisation that supports anyone experiencing grief, providing a compassionate space for people to explore and express their feelings without judgement. In addition to a national toll-free helpline, Griefline offers booked grief support calls, bereavement support groups, online forums, self-care information, grief education and resources, and corporate and volunteer training programs.
Kids Helpline is Australia's only free and confidential, online and phone counselling service for young people aged 5 - 25. Kids Helpline is there whenever children and young people need them - anytime and for any reason.
For 60 years, Lifeline has been connecting with Australians in need through crisis support and suicide prevention services – bringing hope and help to people anytime, anywhere. Through phone, text and online chat, Lifeline is available to listen without judgement to any person in Australia who is feeling overwhelmed, experiencing crisis or longs to be heard. Lifeline supports people of all ethnicities, genders, beliefs and ages and are here for everyone.
SANE Australia provides free support, information, resources and referrals for people over 18 years of age, and their families and carers living with complex mental health needs. SANE Australia also welcome people with intellectual disability, autism or acquired brain injury, who would benefit from mental health support.
Suicide Call Back Service offers free professional phone and online counselling support to people at risk of suicide, concerned about someone at risk, bereaved by suicide and people experiencing emotional or mental health issues.
For more information about accessing any of these services, please contact the City's Community Support Services team on 9528 0333.