Mother Teresa Catholic College (MTCC) Sustainable Education Program
Since 2016, MTCC has continued to evolve its Sustainability Education Program, embarking on a variety of waste elimination initiatives to reduce waste ending up in landfill. This has not only created positive outcomes for the college and environment, but has pulled the community together on a joint goal for a better future. Examples of initiatives included as part of the program include:
Vegetable and herb gardens (a number using wicking beds to save water), chicken coops, worm farms and more are located in the college's Sustainably Centre. A Green Team (years 3-5) support waste reduction initiatives and keep the centre running, tending to the gardens, worms and chickens, and recycling materials.
Year 6 Sustainability Leaders
Year 6 Environmental Leaders communicate waste reduction goals and focuses at school assembly.
MTCC has over nine different streams of materials being recycled, not limited to: ‘Containers for Change’, ‘Give Write’ for unused stationery, ‘Bottle Top Hill’ for plastic bottle lids, ‘Close the Loop’ for printer cartridges and ‘Battery World’ for batteries.
Student-led Market Stalls
Students sell worm tea, fresh produce, beeswax lunch wraps, herb pots and captured from the Sustainability Centre at their market stalls. Students also have started book swap events.
Waste diverted from landfill
Over seven years, an estimated 10,000 kilograms of material has been saved from landfill from the cumulative actions undertaken by students.
As an accredited WasteSorted School, access to State Government funding has also assisted in efforts undertaken by students at MTCC. If you're involved with a local school and not already participating you can find out more from the Waste Authorityopens in a new windowopens in a new window.
Congratulations again to the students and teacher involved in the program and the ongoing efforts showcasing your positive impact on community and the environment.