As part of Western Australia's Plan for Plastics, the State Government is helping reduce plastic pollution by phasing out a number of single-use plastic items. The State ban applies to the sale, supply and distribution of single-use plastic items and will be completed in two stages. The first stage of the plan will be conducted in two parts, with bans enforced from 1 July 2022. Stage 1 and enforcement dates are listed below.
Banned as of 1 July 2022:
- all plastic shopping bags with handles
- disposable plastic utensils - straws, stirrers and cutlery
- disposable plastic foodware without lids - plates, bowls and food containers
- expanded polystyrene food containers and trays and
- balloon releases.
Banned as of 1 October 2022:
- disposable plastic cups for cold drinks.
Stage 2 of the WA Plan for Plastics comes into effect on 27 February 2023, with a number of single-use plastic items to be phased out between September 2023 and July 2025. The Stage 2 regulations will include:
Banned as of 1 September 2023:
- cotton buds with plastic stems
- microbeads
- expanded polystyrene packaging (loose)
- expanded polystyrene cups and trays for raw meat and seafood and
- degradable plastics.
Banned as of 1 March 2024:
- coffee cups and all disposable plastic cup lids and
- trays for takeaway food not covered in Stage 1 ban.
Banned as of 1 September 2024:
- produce bags
- lids for bowls, trays, plates and takeaway food containers.
Banned as of 1 July 2025:
- expanded polystyrene packaging (moulded).
If you have any questions about the ban, community organisations and members of the public can get in contact with Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) at or call (08) 6364 7000. You can register for updates on the second phase of the WA Plastics Ban.