Bin collection

City of Rockingham

Your bins

The standard service for most residential properties is the three bin collection system. This includes a:

  1. 360-litre recycling bin (yellow lid)
  2. 240-litre green waste bin (lime green lid)
  3. 140-litre waste bin (red lid).
The waste bin is collected weekly, with the green waste and recycling bins on alternative weeks. The waste bin is collected weekly, with the green waste and recycling bins on alternative weeks.

Bin collection day

Search for your bin collection days on our Near Me property search.

Bins are collected on all public holidays, there are no changes.

Each week two bins are placed out for collection.

Bin placementKeep bins at a 50cm distance from other bins, and 1 metre from other objects like fences, trees and cars.

On your bin collection day, place your bins on the kerb by 6am ensuring:

  • the wheels are facing your house
  • the lids are closed
  • each bin weighs no more than 70 kg, and
  • they are a safe distance from other objects.


We know it’s exciting to see your bin being emptied, but please watch from a distance. The lifting machinery is very powerful, and could cause serious injury, so it’s important to stay clear. Our drivers are under strict instructions not to empty the bin if anyone is closer than four metres. Please only retrieve your bin when the truck has moved away.  

Stay 4m away from the bin until the truck leaves.

What to put in each bin

  • Clean and empty recyclables accepted in the yellow lidded bin are:

    • glass jars and bottles
    • plastic bottles (lids removed)
    • plastic margarine, yoghurt or icecream containers
    • aluminium soft drink cans
    • steel food, Milo or coffee tins
    • clean paper (not shredded) and newspapers
    • magazines and junk mail
    • flattened cardboard boxes, tubes and egg cartons.

    Recyclables are sorted at a Material Recovery Facility in Bibra Lake.

  • Clean garden organic materials accepted in the green lidded bin are:

    • small prunings, twigs or sticks (maximum of 400mm length by 200mm diameter)
    • lawn clippings
    • leaves
    • weeds
    • cut flowers (no wrapping paper, string or elastic bands).

    Green waste is composted at a facility in North Bannister.

  • General household waste accepted in the red lidded bin are:

    • food scraps
    • meat trays and soft plastics
    • nappies, cotton buds, tissues and other personal hygiene items
    • animal waste and droppings
    • broken toys 
    • old clothing, rags and textiles
    • broken ceramics.

    Waste is landfilled at the Millar Road Landfill, Baldivis.

  • Visit the Recycle Rightopens in a new window website for a comprehensive list of materials and which bin they should be disposed in.

How to use the three bin collection system

Missed bin service

If for any reason your bin isn't emptied as scheduled, please contact us on 9528 0333. Leave your bin on the kerb and we will arrange collection.

New properties or broken bins

To get a new bin or to have your bin repaired, please contact us on 9528 0333opens in a new window. Allow seven days for delivery or repair of the bin.

Delivery days for replacement waste bins or new properties are:

  • Wednesdays: Baldivis, Karnup (including Vista Estate), Secret Harbour, Golden Bay and Singleton.
  • Fridays: Rockingham, Hillman, Cooloongup, Shoalwater, Safety Bay, Waikiki, Warnbro and Port Kennedy.

Bins belong to the City of Rockingham and should not be removed from the property.

Change your bin service

Additional bins can be requested or cancelled by the ratepayer of the property, by filling out the forms below.


Assisted Waste Collection Service

Need help putting out your bins? The City’s Waste Services offers assistance to seniors or people with disability who are unable to take their bins out to the kerb on their bin day.

You may also be eligible for an additional 140L general waste bin if you have a medical condition that results in additional waste. A letter from a medical practitioner must accompany your application.

Contact the City on 9528 0333 or email to find out more about our Assisted Waste Collection Service.

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