People with lived experience

Mental health community mural.


Concept design for the Reframe muralRe-[Frame] Mental Health Public Mural

The Re[Frame] Project was a collaboration project between the City, local residents with lived experience of mental illness, local support services and the creative community. Participants engaged with workshops facilitated by Art Therapist Paul K. Davis of Reflective Visions to create visual representation of their own personal journeys towards recovery and wellbeing.

These artworks and reflections then formed the inspiration for the final design by Carol Clitheroe of Neverending Designs titled 'Find What Works For You'. The final design was installed on the west facing wall of McLarty Hall on McLarty Road, Shoalwater, located on the boundaries between Wadjuk and Binjareb Nyoongar peoples territories. The mural continues the conversation of the unique journeys each person takes for their self-care and wellbeing and encourages individuals to reach out for support when needed.



Re[Frame] Mural

Learn about how the idea for the project and the finished product evolved.

Video transcript

External support services

There are a number of external support services that can connect you to others who also have lived experience:

  • Roses in the Ocean - Support for people with a lived experience of suicide or suicide loss.
  • Step Up, Step Down (SUSD) Service - Rockingham - Short term residential support as well as online support services to support recovery from mental ill-health.
  • Circle of Friends, Mental Health Social Group - Run by people with a lived experience of mental health issues. Meets: 
    • Kwinana Dome cafe - Thursdays 11am-1pm
    • Baldivis Dome cafe - Fridays - 10am-12pm
    • Waikiki Dome cafe - Saturdays 10am-12pm
  • Helping Minds - Supporting the family and friends of people living with mental illness.
  • Carers Gateway - Emotional, practical and financial support for carers.  Call 1800 422 737.
  • Young Carers - Supporting people under the age of 25 who help support a member of their household who is experiencing a mental health challenge, disability, long term health condition, substance dependency or who is frail aged.
  • Solace Grief Support Group - Supporting those grieving the death of their spouse, partner or fiancée.
  • Compassionate Friends - Support to bereaved parents, siblings and grandparents.
  • Mental Illness Fellowship of Western Australia


People with lived experience have vital insights that can help to shape community to be more inclusive and accepting.

There are opportunities both within the City of Rockingham and throughout Western Australia to connect to organisations, develop skills in advocacy and representation and play a formal role in decision making.

  • City of Rockingham Advisory Committees
  • Rockingham Youth Centre Youth Reference Group
  • Share your thoughts with the City
  • Rockingham, Peel and Kwinana Mental Health Consumers Advisory Group - Chairperson: Lisa Langlands - 0402 155 656;
  • headspace Youth Reference Group
  • WA Alliance for Mental Health - WAAMH advocates locally and nationally for effective public policy on mental health issues by drawing on the expertise and experience of members, including mental health service providers, consumer and carers.
  • Consumers of Mental Health WA - CoMHWA is the independent, state-wide, peak body for people with lived/living experience of mental health issues (consumers).
  • Recovery College WA - The Western Australia Recovery College Alliance (WARCA) aims to create opportunities for anyone in the community looking to connect, explore and transform. Recovery Colleges welcome people with lived experience with mental health or substance use challenges, family, friends, carers, volunteers, those who work in the mental health and AOD sectors, those who work in other social, health and welfare sectors and the broader community.
  • Shelter WA - Join a strong coalition to ensure that everybody has a place to call home.  Members are part of a strong, collective voice ensuring that everybody has a right to a place to call home. Leading change by ensuring all spheres of government, industry and the community are working together towards an effective housing system for all West Australians.
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