Cemeteries and memorials




East Rockingham Pioneer Cemetery

Current information on the East Rockingham Pioneer Cemetery (ERPC)

The Governor of WA published a revised Closure Order for the ERPC in the Government Gazette of 29 November 2024.

We are sympathetic of those with a personal connection to this cemetery and the below clarifies what the changes to the Closure Order mean for grant holders or those with loved ones buried at this cemetery.

Essentially, these changes will allow more interments (burials and ashes) over a longer period of time.

Under the changes, there are now two ways for interment (burial or ashes) at the ERPC:

  1. If you have a valid Grant issued in the last 25 years. If your grant is less than 25 years old you can use it to be interred at the ERPC.
  2. If you have a personal connection to the ERPC and do not have a Grant, you can write to the Minister for Local Government for special consideration.

The City of Rockingham, Department of Local Government, Sports and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) and the Metropolitan Cemeteries Board (MCB) acknowledge that there will be some people with a personal connection to the ERPC that don’t have a valid Grant. If you or someone you know is in this situation, you can apply to the Minister for special consideration for burial at the ERPC. For more information call 6552 7300 or visit the DLGSC website.

Frequently asked questions

Can I be buried at the ERPC?

Under the revised Closure Order for the ERPC in the December 2024 Government Gazette by the WA Governor of WA, there are now two ways for interment (burial or ashes) at the ERPC:

  1. If you have a valid Grant.
  2. If you do not have a Grant, you can write to the Minister for Local Government for special consideration.
I have family buried at ERPC, can I be buried with them?

If you meet one of the below criteria then you can be buried with your loved one at the ERPC.

  • Those with a valid Grant. Please note that Grants are only valid for 25 years, after which they expire and can no longer be used. The person named on the Grant can authorise anyone to be interred within their plot until the plot is full or the Grant expires.
  • Those who the City has evidence of trying to renew a Grant or purchase a new one in the period 1 July 2007 – 30 June 2010, but weren’t issued one.
  • Those given special permission by the Minister. Anyone with a personal connection to the ERPC can apply to the Minister for Local Government for special permission to be interred here.
What happens when my Grant expires?

When your grant expires:

  1. You no longer have an automatic right to be interred within the ERPC.
  2. You can no longer specify other people to be interred within your ERPC gravesite.
  3. You can apply to the Minister for Local Government for special permission to be interred within the ERPC. Please call the Department of Local Government, Sports and Cultural Industries on 08 6552 7300 for details. 
Who is a ‘personal representative’, and what can they do with my grant if I pass?

The term ‘personal representative’ is defined in the Metropolitan Cemeteries Board By-Law as:

"personal representative" means:

a) the administrator of the estate or executor of the will of a deceased person;

b) the person who, by law or practice, has the best right to apply for administration of the estate of a deceased person; or

c) a person having the lawful custody of a dead body;

A personal representative may use a Grant of Right of Burial as if it was in their own name.

My Grant has ‘in perpetuity’ on it. Doesn’t that mean it never expires?

No. The Cemeteries Act 1986 specifies that all Grants, including those issued prior to the Act, expire after 25 years. Any Grant issued prior to 1986 expired in 2011, and all other Grants expire 25 years after the date of issue.

My Grant doesn’t have a date on it. Is it valid?

If your Grant doesn’t have date on it, the expiry will be determined by the Grant number. If the Grant number is 1720 or later, the Grant is deemed to expire on 30 June 2034. If the Grant number is less than 1720, please contact the City to get an accurate date of expiry.

I don’t have a valid Grant and don’t belong to one of the ‘exception’ groups – can I be interred at the ERPC?

You can apply to the Minister for Local Government for special permission to be interred at the ERPC. The Minister will make a decision based on your application.

I have seen the ERPC is a closed cemetery, what does this mean?

An initial Closure Order for the ERPC was issued by the WA Governor on 1 May 2009, and a revised Closure Order issued on 3 December 2024. 

The Closure Order meant no further interments (burials, ashes) could occur at the ERPC, except for those specifically allowed under the Closure Order. See the question about being buried with family for details.

Where else can I be buried in Rockingham?

The Rockingham Regional Memorial Park (RRMP) is the principal burial location for City of Rockingham residents.

Who can I contact for more information?

You can contact the City by:

Phone: (08) 9528 0333

Email: customer@rockingham.wa.gov.au


To find out more about asking the Minister for special permission, please contact the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC):

Phone: (08) 6552 7300

Email: info@dlgsc.wa.gov.au

Website: https://www.dlgsc.wa.gov.au/department/contact-us


  • In 2007 the Metropolitan Cemeteries Board opened the Rockingham Regional Memorial Park, located within Baldivis.  

    This cemetery is still open to the purchase of new Grant of Right of Burial, and all enquiries regarding grants, burials, placement of ashes, or horticultural maintenance should be directed to the Metropolitan Cemeteries Board.

    The Rockingham Regional Memorial Park also has a diverse range of memorials available including:

    • granite memorial seats
    • garden of remembrance
    • reflection walls
    • garden ground niche
    • limestone rockery
    • family trees
    • granite niche walls
    • wooden memorial benches

    Additional information including a map of the Rockingham Regional Memorial Park can be found on the Metropolitan Cemeteries Board websiteopens in a new windowopens in a new windowopens in a new window


    Baldivis Road, Baldivis
  • East Rockingham Cemetery was established in 1866 and the first interment was of Joseph Broughton, on 13 October 1867.  The exact location of his plot is not known, however a plaque to commemorate his interment has been placed on the front stone wall of the cemetery in the Anglican A section.

    For the following 60 years, East Rockingham settlers were buried in the cemetery without any records being kept.  In 1929, the Roads Board realised the scope of the problem and with the assistance of the Karrakatta Cemetery Board, long-time local resident John Bell was called upon to assist with the recording of names and locations of persons buried in the cemetery.

    However, a burial register was not started until 1937 and many earlier interments that were not marked with a headstone are unknown.

    In 1993, the cemetery was enlarged and the new area was laid out as lawn sections. Also in 1993, the first niche wall, made of granite, was built and a further four brick niche walls have been constructed since this time.

    In 2007 the name of this cemetery was officially altered to include the word “Pioneer” to better reflect the historical significance of the cemetery to the Rockingham region. On 1 November 2007 an agreement was made with the Metropolitan Cemeteries Board for the undertaking of burials and placing of ashes at East Rockingham Pioneer Cemetery.

    A plan of the cemetery providing a location guide of all sections within the cemetery can be downloaded below.



    Mandurah Road, East Rockingham

 MemorialsMemorial plaque wall

The Memorials in Public Places Policy was adopted by Council on Tuesday 27 April 2021.

This policy recognises that the appropriate place to memorialise people is within the grounds of the district’s two existing cemeteries: East Rockingham Pioneer Cemetery or Rockingham Regional Memorial Parkopens in a new windowopens in a new windowopens in a new window. 

No applications for future memorials (other than temporary roadside crosses) will be granted.

All memorial plaques on walls, benches and roadsides were transitioned to a 25 year grant of tenure from 28 April 2021.

Image provided by the Metropolitan Cemeteries Board.


  • With the adoption of Council Policy – Memorials in Public Places, memorial plaques within the City were transitioned to a set life of 25 years. This 25 year grant of tenure applies to all existing and future placements from 28 April 2021. Upon expiry of the 25 year period, all plaques will be removed and every effort will be made to contact the registered applicant to collect the plaque from the City’s Administration Building.

    What types of memorials does the City allow?

    Council Policy – Memorials in Public Places recognises that the appropriate place to memorialise people is within the grounds of the district’s two existing cemeteries: East Rockingham Pioneer Cemetery or Rockingham Regional Memorial Park.

    An application can be made to install a temporary roadside memorial cross only to mark the location of a fatal road accident.

    What if I have reserved a space on the Waikiki Wall?

    If you have reserved a space and paid a deposit to place a plaque on the Waikiki wall, you will be able to use your placement when the time comes.

    Placement of your plaque will still be subject to the 25 year grant from 28 April 2021.

    If you wish to withdraw your application or do not use your reserved space within 25 years from 28 April 2021, please contact the City for a full refund of your deposit.

    Is there anywhere other than the cemetery to place a memorial?

    No, the policy recognises that the appropriate place to memorialise people is within the grounds of the district’s two existing cemeteries: East Rockingham Pioneer Cemetery or Rockingham Regional Memorial Park.

    The Rockingham Regional Memorial Parkopens in a new windowopens in a new windowopens in a new window is purpose built, providing a peaceful and secure environment with many options for commemoration.

    What if my plaque is missing or damaged?

    Applications to replace damaged or stolen plaques will be approved. Costs associated with the replacement are the responsibility of the applicant.

    The expiry date of the grant will not change.

    What happens at the end of the 25 year grant?

    All remaining memorial plaques will be removed. The City will make every effort to contact the registered applicants to arrange collection.

    What if I place or replace a plaque in the next 25 years?

    All plaques placed or replaced following the adoption of Council Policy – Memorials in Public Places will be removed 25 years from 28 April 2021.

    How do I remove my plaque now or before the 25 years?

    If you wish to have an existing plaque removed from a wall, bench or roadside, please contact the City in writing customer@rockingham.wa.gov.au.

    The City will remove the plaque, free of charge, and contact you when your plaque is available for collection from the Administration Building.

    What if the deceased has made a significant contribution to the City?

    Requests can be made to name a park or building after an individual. If all criteria are met and the request is supported, the City will submit the request to the Geographic Names Committeeopens in a new windowopens in a new windowopens in a new window for approval.

    Applications must be made in writing and must provide evidence of:

    • the deceased having had a direct and long-term association with the location and having made a significant contribution to the area;
    • the application being in the public interest;
    • broad community support for the proposal.
  • The Waikiki Memorial Wall is located at Waikiki foreshore just a few metres south of the Safety Bay Road and Malibu Road intersection.

    The existing blank spaces on the memorial wall have already been reserved, and there is no capacity to install new memorial plaques, however an application can be made to replace existing plaques with dual plaques to include another family member. For further enquiries, please email us at customer@rockingham.wa.gov.au or call 9528 0333.

    Replacement of existing plaques will be subject to the 25 year grant commencing 28 April 2021.

  • The Rockingham Memorial Wall was renewed and reinstated during the revitalisation of the Rockingham Foreshore precinct in 2019. 

    There is no capacity to install new memorial plaques, however an application can be made to replace existing plaques with dual plaques to include other family members.  For further enquiries, please email us at customer@rockingham.wa.gov.au or call 9528 0333.

    Replacement of existing plaques will be subject to the 25 year grant commencing 28 April 2021.

  • The City is no longer taking applications for memorial benches, however an application can be made to replace existing plaques with dual plaques to include other family members. For further enquiries, please email us at customer@rockingham.wa.gov.au or call 9528 0333.

    Replacement of existing plaques will be subject to the 25 year grant commencing 28 April 2021.

    If you have an existing expression of interest relating to a new memorial bench, the City is unable to facilitate your request. You are directed to the Rockingham Regional Memorial Parkopens in a new windowopens in a new windowopens in a new window for consideration of one of their memorial options.

  • The loss of a loved one in a traffic accident is very distressing.

    The City of Rockingham’s Memorials in Public Places Policy allows the placing of temporary roadside crosses for a period of 26 months following the loss of a friend or family member. There is no cost to place a roadside cross, however an application is required to ensure that the City can contact you if there is a need to move the memorial for road or utility works.

    Please read our policy and Specification for a Roadside Cross before completing an application.

    Apply onlineopens in a new windowopens in a new windowopens in a new window

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