Mike Barnett Sports Complex

Basketball at the Mike Barnett Sports Complex

About the centre

The Mike Barnett Sports Complex is one of the region’s most significant leisure facilities and is located on the corner of Dixon Road and Goddard Street in Rockingham. The complex is home to the Rockingham Basketball Recreation Association (RBRA) and Rockingham Districts Netball Association (RDNA).

The complex is open all year around from Monday to Friday between 8.30am and 5pm, and closed on public holidays. For information on weekend availability and after-hours bookings, contact the centre on 9591 0850 or email mikebarnett@rockingham.wa.gov.au.
Junior Netball at Mike Barnett Sports Complex
The centre has available:
  • seven indoor courts split between two sports halls catering for basketball, netball, badminton, volleyball, indoor soccer and floorball.
  • show court facilities (including change rooms)
  • multi-purpose room
  • kiosk with a commercial kitchen
  • créche (during daytime netball program only)
  • merchandise

Court and room hire

Junior Basketball at Mike BarnettIn addition to the RBRA and RDNA significantly using the centre, the facility is hired regularly by school and community groups as well as long-term regular hirers such as Prime Movers and Scorpions Floorball. The centre also hosts one-off bookings by external users for sporting (e.g. martial arts and cheerleading) and non-sporting events (craft or trade expos and fundraising events).
The complex has a variety of options in relation to bookings including the show court, individual and multiple courts and a multi-purpose room.
For more information on facility hire, contact the centre on 9591 0850 or email mikebarnett@rockingham.wa.gov.au.

Bookings that are high risk

Some bookings may be regarded as 'high risk'. Where this is the case the City may require the hirer to provide licenced security cover for the duration of the booking. You may also be requested to provide the contact details of the security firm being engaged for the function. The hirer will also be required to submit a WA Police Party registration form to the police, so that the details are registered with the local police station.
16th-21st birthday parties are not permitted at the complex.


  • Court / RoomCapacityNon-commercial (regular*)Non-commercial (casual)Commercial (regular*)Commercial (casual)
    Courts (per half hour)Varied$26$30$30$33
    Multipurpose room50$25$28$28$34

    *Regular fees apply to groups who make 10 or more bookings in the calendar year.

    Prices are in $ per hour and include 10% GST.


    • Any department, agency or instrumentality of the State or the Commonwealth or any statutory body;
    • Any company or body corporate other than an association incorporated under the Associations Incrporations Act 1987; or
    • Any individual intending to use the hired facility for profit or gain.


    • Any person or body other than a commercial hirer.
  • Additional fee typePrice
    Additional staff cost per hour$40
    Casual court hire, person per hour (between 8.30am–5pm)$5
    School bookings (per person)$5
    School holiday shooting pass (per person) - April, July, October$20
    School holiday shooting pass (per person) - December/January$50
    Annual shooting pass$110


Inclusion and diversity

We endeavour to include the whole of the community with facilities and programs adapted to ensure everyone can participate, with suitable access provided throughout the centre.
All courts are accessible and universally accessible toilets and change rooms are located within easy access of the foyer and courts.

Programs and services

  • The kiosk is open during netball and basketball competitions as well as for major bookings. Come and enjoy a variety of food and drinks, including a decent coffee and a box of hot chips and gravy. Enjoy the relaxed environment while catching up with friends during one of the many bookings at the centre.

  • The centre features quality merchandise including mouthguards and whistles available to purchase.

  • Do you struggle to find available court space to casually shoot with your friends? Look no further.

    Courts are available for likeminded casual ballers to connect and play social basketball on a regular basis.

    Every Sunday, 4pm-7pm.

    $5 per visit.

    Annual pass available for $110 (allows access to casual shoot at both Mike Barnett Sports Complex and Baldivis Indoor Sports Complex).

    For more information, contact the centre on 9591 0850 or email mikebarnett@rockingham.wa.gov.au

  • Pickleball is a racket/paddle sport in which two players (singles), or four players (doubles), hit a perforated hollow plastic ball over a net.

    Games run on Mondays from 8.30am-10.30am throughout the school term.

    $5 per session payable on arrival.

    Please wear sports attire and bring your own paddle if you have one.

    For more information, please contact the centre on 9591 0850 or email mikebarnett@rockingham.wa.gov.au.


Find us

Cnr Dixon Rd and Goddard St, Rockingham
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