Types of noise sources creating annoyance
Here are examples of some noise sources that can cause complaints:-
- party noise, loud stereos
- practice of musical instruments
- lawn mowers, power tools and other devices
- airconditioners, pool pumps, spas and heaters
- burglar alarms, car alarms and other security devices
- thumping, crashing and other unidentifiable noises heard through dividing walls/ceilings and many more.
This is not intended to be a comprehensive list, but rather to give you an idea of the range of problems that we can help with.
Generally speaking, the Environment Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997 control noise emissions from the majority of noise sources.
Involving the City of Rockingham
The information provided here is not legal advice and has been included to help you start thinking about the issues involved. There are a number of authorities that may be able to assist with a noise problem.
Noise issues are investigated by both City Environmental Health Officers and police officers. If you are not completely satisfied with the action of the police or the City, you can take the matter to court yourself although we do recommend you attempt to solve the issue before a court is necessary.
Party noise, loud stereos and musical instruments
It is always good protocol to warn neighbours about these kinds of activities. Noise is less of a problem if it is not unexpected. This means if an instrument is played regularly, make some arrangement for suitable practice times.
If one neighbour works odd hours, it helps for the other neighbours to know when that person is sleeping so noisy activities can be performed elsewhere or at a more convenient time when the noise won't disturb them. Some form of noise-proofing or insulation to one or both houses could help.
Music noise from a party will generally exceed the assigned levels set by the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997, however, most neighbours will generally tolerate "one-off parties" if they have been advised of the following in advance:
- the date of the party - neighbours can make alternative arrangements to go out for the evening
- the music will be switched off at midnight
- a phone number to ring if the music gets too loud.
If the above guidelines have been followed and the party noise/behaviour is in your opinion, unreasonable, neighbours can lodge a complaint by phone with the local police or in writing to the City's Environmental Health Services.