Below are a number of local and state initiatives available to assist you and your children to learn and play at home during this time. Local activities for children can be found on our activities for families and children page.
Department of Education – Learn from Home Resources
The Department of Education have developed resources, activities and information to help children and young people learn while at home. Resource packs cover all age groups from kindergarten to Year 10.
The Valuing Children Initiative – Home Schooling Support
The Valuing Children Initiative is providing daily resources and tips for families who are home schooling. These resources can be found on the Valuing Children Initiative Facebook page.
Playgroup at Home WA
To keep families connected, Playgroup WA has launched a new Facebook group called Playgroup at Home WA. Follow them to see an array of play-time activities for children aged 0 – 8 years.
Paint Rockingham REaD is run as part of the national Paint the Town REaD Ltd campaign. The campaign is all about encouraging the whole community to read, talk, rhyme and sing with children from birth so they will be ready to learn at school.
Children whose parents read with them in their early years of life show better performance in school. Reading with children not only helps them learn reading and writing, but it also boosts their social skills, brain development, and understanding of the world around them.
The aim is to create a community culture that celebrates literacy and has a love for reading.
How can you support Paint Rockingham REaD?
- Attend Paint Rockingham REaD events and share them among your friends.
- Promote the message of reading, talking, rhyming and singing with children from birth to give them the best start to life.
How can local businesses and organisations support Paint Rockingham REaD?
- Host a Paint Rockingham REaD book swap box – the aim is to distribute swap boxes all around the community. Local businesses, schools and organisations are invited to host a swap box to encourage everyone to read to children and to ensure every child has access to children’s books. Swap boxes are not currently in use due to COVID-19 restrictions. If you would like to be register your interest to host a swap box, please email and we will advise when the program will recommence.
- Have Widi, the Paint Rockingham REaD mascot, attend your event. Community organisations are welcome to book Widi the Penguin to promote reading, rhyming, talking and singing with children. To book Widi, please read the Safety Guidelines below and fill out the booking form. Send your completed booking form to
For more information on the Paint Rockingham REaD campaign, please contact us on 9528 0333 or email
The Rockingham Early Years Group (REYG) is a network collaborating to improve outcomes for children in Rockingham. The REYG meets every six weeks. If you would like to join the meetings, please contact us on 9528 0333 or email
Me at 3 passports:
The REYG collaborated to support the development, print and distribution of the Me at 3 passport resource for Rockingham families. The booklet outlines the skills three year olds can develop and encourages children and families to work together to meet developmental milestones. The resource supports parents to prepare their children for kindergarten and school.
Fore more information on the Rockingham Early Years Network please visit the group's Facebook page.
A playgroup is a group of parents, caregivers and extended family who come together with their babies and young children to learn together through play. Playgroups are a great way for your kids to interact with other children in a fun and safe environment, while giving you the opportunity to interact with other parents.
There are many playgroups to check out across the City. Information on groups in your local areas can be found on the Playgroup WA website. Playgroup WA can also support you to set up your own playgroup.
The Child and Parent Centre - East Waikiki is an early childhood one-stop shop located in at East Waikiki Primary School. The centre offers playgroups, song, movement and craft activities as well as parent information workshops. It also provides speech pathology and child health services as well as a fortnightly immunisation clinic.
Child Health Services are staffed by registered nurses with qualifications in child and family health. They provide a range of services in partnership with parents and carers of babies and young children up to the age of four years.
The free Better Health Program is a fun and interactive 10-week healthy lifestyle program for children aged 7-13 years who are above a healthy weight, and their families.
The program covers information about healthy eating and includes an hour of physical activity at every session. Sessions run twice a week, for two hours.
Children build confidence, boost self-esteem and get fit playing fun games, while parents learn new skills to ensure their children are fit and healthy, in a supportive and friendly environment.
Programs run every school term at the Mike Barnett Sports Complex in Rockingham and many other locations. For more information, call 1300 822 953 or text 0409 745 645.