Development contribution plans


Development Contribution Plan No.2 will assist in the funding of community infrastructure by requiring owners to pay a contribution when their land is subdivided or developed. The introduction of developer contributions is provided for by State Planning Policy No.3.6 - Developer Contributions for Infrastructure.

The requirement for contributions are controlled by provisions under the City's Town Planning Scheme No.2.

What is being funded?

The community infrastructure items in the City's Community Infrastructure Plan is reviewed annually. The infrastructure items included within the Development Contribution Plan No.2 include:

  • Lark Hill Sportsplex Northern Expansion
  • Secret Harbour Surf Life Saving Club Redevelopment
  • Rockingham Foreshore Activity Node
  • Baldivis District Sports Complex (Stage 1 and 2)
  • Rockingham Arts Centre
  • Rockingham Youth Centre
  • Baldivis Indoor Recreation Centre
  • Rockingham Aquatic Centre Redevelopment
  • Aqua Jetty Stage 2
  • Mary Davies Library and Community Centre
  • Secret Harbour Community Library
  • Baldivis Outdoor Recreation Space
  • Stan Twight Reserve Clubroom Extension
  • Singleton Sports and Community Centre
  • Baldivis South Sports Pavilion
  • East Baldivis Recreation Reserve
  • Baldivis Outdoor Courts
  • Waikiki / Warnbro Youth Space
  • Rhonda Scarrott Reserve Active POS and Golden Bay Sports Pavilion
  • Baldivis South Community Centre
  • Baldivis Primary Shared Use Reserve

Why does the City require development contributions?

The total cost of providing the community infrastructure has been estimated at about $186 million dollars. Development contributions will assist in providing high quality community facilities as early as possible to meet the expectations of new and existing residents.

When are contributions required?

Contributions are applicable to land in Development Contribution Area No.2.

Contributions are only required when a subdivision* or development including dwellings occurs, and will typically by payable before the clearance of conditions of subdivision approval, or before construction of a dwelling/s commencing.

*Contributions are only payable for the subdivision of land in Primary City Centre, Waterfront Village, Baldivis Town Centre, Residential, Rural, Special Rural, Special Residential and Development zones.

How much are contributions?

Sub-areaCost per dwelling*
Safety Bay$2,198
Port Kennedy$1,941
Secret Harbour$2,555
Golden Bay$3,333
Baldivis North$2,794
Baldivis South$3,094

*These costs have been rounded to the nearest dollar.

  • The Council-endorsed Cost Appointment Schedule in the Development Contribution Plan Report sets out the cost estimates incurred for administrative and community infrastructure as listed in the Development Contribution Plan No.2.
  • These costs estimates will be reviewed at least annually to reflect any changes to funding and development growth rates.
  • Deloitte has carried out an external audit on the City's Statement of Income and Expenditure of the Development Contribution of Infrastructure for the year ended 30 June 2023. The City has presented the information fairly and in accordance with the Development Contribution of Infrastructure guidelines.
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