
All cats are required by law under the Cat Act 2011 to be microchipped, sterilised and registered with their relevant local government. Not registering or microchipping your pet can result in a fine. 

Responsible cat ownership

Understanding cat prohibited areas (Cat Amendment Local Law 2024)

There are some areas in the City of Rockingham where cats are not allowed. The Cat Amendment Local Law 2024 prohibits cats from roaming these areas and makes it an offence for cats to be found in these areas.

Where are the prohibited areas?

You can find out where cats are prohibited in the Cat Prohibited Areas Map or use the interactive map to search prohibited locations near you.

When were the prohibited areas introduced?

Council voted at its Ordinary Council Meeting on 26 November 2024 to proceed with amending provisions in the City of Rockingham Cats Local Law 2018 to specify areas that prohibit cats and make it an offence for a cat to be in these areas. This is authorised by the Cat Act 2011 and will be made law effective 23 December 2024. 

This decision followed a public consultation period between 30 August 2024 – 23 October 2024.

Why are prohibited areas needed?

Prohibiting cats helps to protect conservation areas like parks, reserves and wetlands where wildlife species are vulnerable to predation.

Are there penalties for domestic cats found in cat prohibited areas?

Cat owners are responsible for ensuring responsible cat ownership and making sure their pets do no go into the prohibited areas. Penalties for non-compliance may apply of up to $200 for the owner.

How will cats be removed from these areas?

The areas designated are subject to intermittent trapping programs. Cats will be handed over to City Officers for further investigation.

Cat registration and renewals

The Cat Act 2011 requires all cats over the age of six months to be registered with the local government. Cat owners need to provide proof that their cat has been sterilised and microchipped. The registration period runs from 1 November through to 31 October each year (regardless of the date when the cat is actually registered)

A pensioner concession of 50% applies to holders of a current Pensioner Concession Card or 'Commonwealth Seniors Health' Card together with a Seniors Card.  These need to be provided to claim the concession.


Registration periodFee
1 Year$20.00
3 Years$42.50

If you are registering your cat for the first time, you can download and complete the cat registration form together with the sterilisation and microchip declaration form and email it to or bring it into the City Administration with your payment.

If you have received a cat registration renewal from the City, you can pay your renewal online.

How many cats can I keep?

The City of Rockingham Cats Local Law 2018 restricts the amount of cats that can be kept on a property. The limitation does not apply to animal management facilities or properties that have been established as a veterinary hospital or clinic.

Currently, under the City’s local law all residential properties can keep up to two cats. You can apply to keep more than two cats by submitting the application form below.

Please note that all cats listed on your application must be over the age of six months, registered, sterilised and microchipped before you submit the form. Kittens under the age of six months should not be included in the application.

Further information about limitations and applying for an exemption can be obtained from Ranger Services on 9528 0333.

Benefits of cat containment

While there are currently no cat confinement laws in the City of Rockingham, your cat can benefit from being kept indoors.

Cat confinement reduces the risks of:

  • injury or death from vehicles
  • getting trapped
  • diseases and parasites and infectious diseases
  • killing wildlife
  • getting lost or stolen
  • poisoning (intentionally or accidentally)
  • injury or death from other cats, dogs or other predators (snakes etc)
  • conflict with your neighbours.

Training your cat to stay indoors

Contrary to popular belief, cats do not need to roam. Provided their basic needs are met, cats can enjoy longer and healthier lives when confined at night or even for 24 hours a day.

You can train your cat to accept confinement by:

  • skipping its morning feed and calling it in at night to be fed – don’t feed your cat until it comes inside, it will learn to be home by dusk
  • keep your cat inside until morning
  • ensure your cat has a cosy and well-ventilated sleeping area with food, water and a clean litter tray. It will adapt to night time confinement within a few days.

If you are confining your cat for a longer period of time, it is necessary to enrich their environment. This will prevent them from becoming bored and developing behavioural problems. Cats can still explore the outdoors through an escape-proof cat enclosure.

Cats can enjoy a wonderful life confined to their owners property, especially if trained to stay indoors from a kitten.

Key considerations to keeping your cat healthy and happy at home:

  1. Provide plenty of cat climbing spaces, such as ladders, hiding places made from boxes, scratching posts and levels to keep you cat entertained and challenged.
  2. Cats enjoy the sunshine, so be sure to provide a sunny spot for them to bask in, along with shade when it gets too hot.
  3. Keep litter trays clean and away from food and water.
  4. Always get your kitten desexed to make sure they are safe from unwanted pregnancies.
  5. Exercise your cat with daily play and interaction.
  6. Consider building a cat enclosure or outdoor aviary so your cat can get the sensory benefits of being outside (such as the smells and sunshine) in a way that’s safe for them and for wildlife.





Sterilisation and microchipping


Sterilised cats are healthier, live longer and are less of a nuisance to the community. 

Cats are able to get pregnant from the age of four months and could give birth to 180 kittens in their lifetime. To avoid this, You should book to have your cat sterilised at your local vet clinic sooner rather than later. 

It is law in Western Australia to sterilise your cat. Many issues our Ranger Services respond to could be prevented through improved understanding of pet health management.

Financial support for eligible pet owners is available through the Pet Sterilisation Program, a RSPCA WA initiative funded by a State Government grant. Submit an expression of interest on the RSPCA Be Wise website.


Microchipping is the only way you can prove ownership of your pet and this can be arranged at your local vet clinic.

In Western Australia, it is compulsory for all cats over the age of six months of age to be microchipped.

Responsible cat ownership

There are a number of ways you can better care for the health and welfare of your pet cat and ensure that you are adhering to the law:

  • Desex your cat.
  • Microchip your cat and making it wear a collar.  Many lost or injured cats are not reunited with their owners simply because they have no identification.
  • Never dump unwanted cats or kittens.
  • Prevent your cat from roaming.
  • Provide ample opportunities for your cat to engage in play.

If you are unable to care for your cat, there are a number of rescue and rehoming organisations which could help, including the RSPCA or Cat Haven.

Nuisance cats

Uncontrolled cats mating or fighting at night is a major source of noise complaints to local governments and can be very annoying for other residents.

There are various methods to deter nuisance cats from your property such as laying chicken wire over your garden beds and purchasing commercially available cat repellant or ultra sonic devices.  In many cases, the best solution to wandering or nuisance cats is a polite conversation with the owner to express your concerns.

If you continue to have problems with nuisance cats, contact our Rangers on 9528 0333.

Feral cats

Feral cats present a danger to the environment through their hunting practices, ability to spread disease and potential to cause injury to domesticated pet cats. They also cause a nuisance by fighting at night and damaging property by territory marking.

Our Ranger Services can assist residents by hiring out cat traps to be set on private property but are not actively involved in trapping feral cats.

There is a high demand for traps and you may be placed on a waiting list. Rangers will collect cats that are trapped using City-issued cat traps and either impound the cat or deal with it according to the provisions of the Cat Act 2011.

All impounded cats are subject to Animal Management Facility fees prior to release. Cats that are registered and/or microchipped will be held for seven days, and those that Rangers cannot identify an owner will be held for three days.

We encourage residents who believe a feral or stray cat is on their property to contact surrounding neighbours to confirm this.

Rangers will issue traps to residents and provide instruction on its use. It is important for the user of a trap to follow these instructions as you will be responsible for a trapped cat’s welfare until it can be collected by a Ranger.

Happy at home

Cats are loveable household companions, but when allowed to roam free, have a life expectancy of much less than half that of indoor cats.  Cats are happiest and healthiest at home with you.

Take a look at the following series of videos that offer valuable information and insight into roaming cats, the risk they face and problems they may cause.

Where Do Cats Go?


Where Do Cats Go?

Find out what cats get up to when they leave your yard.
The Risks Cats Face


The Risks Cats Face

You can protect your cat from illness or injury by keeping them at home.

Problems Cats Can Cause


Problems Cats Can Cause

Cats can cause damage to local wildlife when they are allowed to roam.

Keeping Cat Safe and Behaved


Keeping Cats Safe and Behaved

Find out equipment and techniques to use to keep your cat safe.

Cat Owner's Legal Responsibilities


Cat Owner's Legal Responsibilities

It is your responsibility to desex, microchip, identify and register your cat.

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