Waste education

Graphic of people holding recyclable items with the text: Be a great sort, make landfill the last resort. <span class="sr-only">opens in a new window</span> <span class="sr-only">opens in a new window</span> <span class="sr-only">opens in a new window</span>

Our Waste Plan

Here in the City of Rockingham we want to do our bit to ensure a sustainable future by reducing the amount of waste that goes to landfill; in fact our Community’s Vision is: “A quality lifestyle. A sustainable future”, and it's one of our Community Aspirations to be a place of natural beauty where the environment is respected.

Resource recovery is about finding ways to recycle or reuse valuable materials that otherwise would be destined for landfill. The City has a Waste Plan 2020/2021, which aligns with the WA State Government’s direction to create a sustainable, low-waste, circular economy in which human health and the environment are protected from the impacts of waste.

There are three main areas of focus, as set out in the State Government’s Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2030 (Waste Strategy)opens in a new windowopens in a new windowopens in a new window:

  • Avoid - Western Australians generate less waste.
  • Recover - Western Australians recover more value and resources from waste.
  • Protect - Western Australians protect the environment by managing waste responsibly.

Further information on our waste targets, behaviour change activities and key operational actions can be found within our Waste Plan 2020/2021 below.

An annual review of our Waste Plan actions is submitted to the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) at the end of each financial year.


Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO) - coming in mid-2025

As part of our Waste Plan 2020/2021 we are making the Food Organic and Garden Organic (FOGO) service available to all residential properties that currently use the green-lidded garden organic bin.

The three-bin FOGO system commenced roll out in the Perth metropolitan area in 2019. The WA State Government is encouraging the introduction of this best-practice three-bin system throughout all local governmentsopens in a new windowopens in a new windowopens in a new window in the Perth and Peel regions by 2025.

Here in the City of Rockingham we want to do our bit to ensure a sustainable future by reducing the amount of waste that goes to landfill; in fact our Community’s Vision is: “A quality lifestyle. A sustainable future”, and it's one of our Community Aspirations to be a place of natural beauty where the environment is respected. The City is implementing a FOGO waste collection service in the City of Rockingham by the end of June 2025.  This is simply an expansion of the existing three-bin GO (Garden Organic) service which was implemented in 2017.

The FOGO journey

We are working through all the details of how a FOGO service can be best delivered in the City of Rockingham and will keep you updated on our progress.

FOGO may bring about a change in how you dispose of you waste in your household so we will doing lots of community education to make sure everyone understands their role in helping to reduce waste for the benefit of our environment.

If you have any questions about the roll out of a FOGO service in the City of Rockingham, please call us on 9528 0333, email customer@rockingham.wa.gov.au or read the frequently asked questions below.


Frequently asked questions

  • What is FOGO?

FOGO stands for Food Organics, Garden Organics and is a waste collection and processing program. Under the FOGO program you will be able to add food waste and other organic waste, such as garden waste to your green bin for kerbside collection. The contents of a FOGO bin can be turned into compost, mulch and soil conditioner, diverting materials from landfill.

  • Why is the City of Rockingham moving to FOGO?

The less we send to landfill, the better for our natural environment. We are joining 19 other local governments that have moved to the FOGO program under the State Government's commitment to have all local governments in the Perth and Peel regions on FOGO by 2025.

  • When will FOGO collection start in Rockingham?


  • What do I need to do?

Nothing until the middle of 2025.

  • Can I opt out of the FOGO program?

No, once rolled out, the FOGO collection will become the standard collection service within our City.

  • How will the FOGO system work?

You will be provided with an indoor kitchen caddy (5-8 litres capacity) and certified compostable caddie liners (AS 4736-2006) that you can put your food waste in. When the liner is full, simply take it out of the caddy and pop it in your green bin. This will be collected during a weekly kerbside collection and taken to a waste management facility where it will be repurposed into compost, garden mulch and soil conditioner. 

  • Can I get an extra red bin?

Yes, an additional annual fee will apply for residents who want an extra red bin. It’s currently $224 per annum as at 2024/2025.

  • I live in a high-rise/apartment building. Will I be getting a FOGO caddy?

Not initially, as high-rise apartment buildings have minimal green/garden space there is not currently an organic waste bin collection service for this type of accommodation/residence. If it is possible for the high-rise/apartment building to implement the FOGO service then a caddy will be provided.

  • How will I get my FOGO kitchen caddy?

It will be delivered to your house before FOGO collection starts in mid-2025.

  • What will change with my bin collection?

Food waste makes up approximately 50 per cent of our general waste. As this will now be combined with our garden waste, we’re making some changes to what bin is collected, and when. Here’s the breakdown: 

  • 240 litre FOGO Bin (green lid) collected weekly.
  • 140 litre General Waste Bin (red lid) collected fortnightly.
  • 360 litre Recycling Bin (yellow lid) collected fortnightly.

Your collection day may also change, check Near Me and enter your address for your most up to date waste collection information.

  • Why is my general waste only being collected fortnightly under FOGO?

Making the most of your FOGO bin means you put less in your general waste bin.

  • Will the waste charges on my annual rates change in 2025/2026 with the introduction of FOGO?

Yes. There will be some changes to waste fees to accommodate the new FOGO service and these will be updated on the City’s website by the beginning of the 2025/2026 financial year.

When we start FOGO in mid 2025, the number of total bin collections from your property over a two-week period will remain the same. We’ll still be visiting you to collect your bins four times over the fortnight:

  • 240 litre FOGO Bin (green lid) collected weekly
  • 140 litre General Waste Bin (red lid) collected fortnightly
  • 360 litre Recycling Bin (yellow lid) collected fortnightly.
  • When will we be notified of the change of waste management fees with the new FOGO service commencing in 2025/2026?

The City’s waste management fees, which are included in your annual rates notice, will be modified according to the introduction of FOGO and will be updated on the City’s website by the beginning of financial year 2025/2026. Your property’s charges will also appear on your 2025/2026 rates notice.

Waste Education

We are committed to providing free and accessible education to our residents and businesses, including the facilitation of workshops and presentations to help you rethink your waste.

Stay tuned for more information as we update our waste education offerings in 2024.

To meet the objectives and targets set out in our Waste Strategy, we are currently developing an environmental education program. For more information and updates on waste education, please contact the Environmental Education Officer on 9528 0333.


Waste Authority logo.

Be a GREAT Sort! WasteSorted Schools Program

The WasteSorted Schools program is run through the Waste Authority, and offers WA schools the opportunity to develop smarter waste practices through the “Reduce, Reuse and Recycle” principle. The program is free to Western Australian schools and provides great support and resources to teachers with activities linked to the WA Curriculum. Schools also have the opportunity to apply for grants towards their waste wise activities.

Want to get started implementing a waste reduction project? WasteSorted Schools grant round two is now open and will close 4pm Tuesday 6 August, 2024.

For further information please visit the WasteSorted Schools websiteopens in a new windowopens in a new windowopens in a new window.

Waste Authority logo.

Waste Education Program
Students in a classroom setting learning about recycling. Students in a classroom setting learning about recycling.

The City offers free incursions for schools, day cares and community groups within the City of Rockingham to enhance residents' understanding of recycling and correct waste management practices. The incursions are facilitated by our Environmental Education Officer.

Please return a completed booking form to customer@rockingham.wa.gov.au, and we will get back to you with our availability shortly.

Litter education

Litter is an ongoing problem faced by everyone in Western Australia. Being a source of harm to people and wildlife, it creates problems in our schools, public spaces and waterways. Areas that are highly littered tend to attract more litter, illegal dumping and even crime. 

See ways to get involved and make a collective change!

Bin it!

We're proud to support Keep Australia Beautiful Council’s Bin It campaign.

Bin it, you know it's the right thing to do!

While most people do the right thing with their rubbish, there are a lot who continue to leave litter, throw from vehicles or on the ground. Put the litter in the bin and keep maintain our beautiful state.

Get involved and bin it! Learn more in the videos below.


Bin It - For Good

Do the right thing and put it in the bin.


Bin it for good

Keep Australia Beautiful and put it in the bin.

Keep Australia Beautiful Week

Keep Australia Beautiful (KAB) Weekopens in a new windowopens in a new window is held in August and is a time to raise awareness about the simple things we can all do in our daily lives to reduce our impact on the environment and encourage action to reduce litter.

In 2024 Keep Australia Beautiful Week took place from 5 - 11 August.

Easy ways to participate



Ready. Set. Clean up! Teach your school or family group about litter before your clean up. Download the presentationopens in a new windowopens in a new window.

Provided by Keep Australia Beautiful Council


Keep Australia Beautiful Week

Keep Australia Beautiful (KAB) Week is held in August and is a time to raise awareness about the simple things we can all do in our daily lives to reduce our impact on the environment and encourage action to reduce litter.

Roadside Litter Prevention Project

We're proud to support the Keep Australia Beautiful Council Roadside Litter Prevention Project to reduce litter on our roadsides.

Learn more how to preserve our beautiful country from harmful litter at the Roadside Litter Prevention Projectopens in a new windowopens in a new window.

Litter laws

Littering in Western Australia is an offence under the Litter Act 1979opens in a new windowopens in a new window

Fines for littering are defined in the Litter Regulations 1981opens in a new windowopens in a new window.

The Litter Act 1979 allows for the Keep Australia Beautiful Council, local government, police and authorised officers to take action against those who litter. This action can be in the form of 'on-the-spot fines', or as reports submitted to Keep Australia Beautiful Council which may result in fines being issued to the offenders.

Not paying your fine can lead to court action or the fine being referred to the Fines Enforcement Registry who has the power to suspend your driver's licence until the fine is paid.

More information on litter finesopens in a new windowopens in a new window

Organise a litter clean-up event

Clean Up Australia 

We are partnering with Clean Up Australia to assist City of Rockingham residents to dispose of their litter after their clean-up events. Get involved and learn more about how you can contribute to a cleaner City by registering your clean-up event. 

Register a clean up eventopens in a new windowopens in a new window



Take positive action against littering by "adopting-a-spot" through the Keep Australia Beautiful Council. Maybe it's your favourite reserve, a walkway to school, or a local park; the Adopt-A-Spot program is easy and a great way to make a positive change towards a safer future, with free clean-up items provided.

Read more on the Keep Australia Beautiful Adopt-a-Spot websiteopens in a new windowopens in a new window.

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