Network Outage - Mary Davies Library

Mary Davies Library and Community Centre is currently experiencing a network outage. The library is open to the community however there is no access to public computers or WiFi, and the telephone system is also not in operation. All other branch libraries remain operating as usual.

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Strategic Community Plan

Vector showing community members recreating at the Rockingham Foreshore with the text City of Rockingham Strategic Community Plan 2023-2033. A quality lifestyle. A sustainable future.
Cover page of the SCP 2023-2033 depicting a drone view of the 2022 Symphony on the Green event at sunset looking out to the ocean. Cover page of the SCP 2023-2033 depicting a drone view of the 2022 Symphony on the Green event at sunset looking out to the ocean.

What is a Strategic Community Plan?

A Strategic Community Plan (SCP) is the principal document within the City’s “Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework”. Integrated Planning and Reporting was developed and legislated by the State Government to provide a guiding framework for local governments as they set their big-picture goals for the future and plan their “roadmap” of how to achieve them. 

Local governments must engage with their communities to ensure their constituents’ vision and priorities for the future are understood. They must examine the current demographic, social, environmental, and economic operating context, as well as any future changes and challenges likely to be faced. This information is then used to develop a suite of planning documents designed to ensure the activities of local governments are aligned to the needs and aspirations of their communities.

View the Strategic Community Plan (2023-2033)

Strategic Community Plan (2023-2033)

Our Vision: A quality lifestyle. A sustainable future.

graphic elements depicting the SCP 2023-2033 aspirations Our aspirations

  1. ​ ​Social: A family-friendly, safe and connected community
  2. Natural Environment: A place of natural beauty where the environment is respected
  3. Built Environment: A built environment carefully planned for today and tomorrow
  4. Economic: A vibrant economy creating opportunities
  5. Leadership: Transparent and accountable leadership and governance

The Strategic Community Plan (2023-2033) includes a list of Community Plan Strategies that will be implemented to fulfil the community's vision and aspirations.

If you require a hard copy of the SCP please contact us on 9528 0333 or email

Review requirements 

The Local Government Act 1995 requires a full review of the SCP every four years from when it was endorsed by Council, and a minor review every two years. 

Strategic Community Plan (2023-2033)

In 2023 we undertook a major review of our Strategic Community Plan. We conducted extensive community engagement, which resulted in 4,645 voices being heard. This was achieved through community surveying, pop-up events, workshops, and share your thoughts comments. The responses were then compiled into the Draft Strategic Community Plan (2023–2033), which was open for public comment from Friday 30 June - Friday 28 July 2023. Two comments were received on this draft and the final Strategic Community Plan 2023-2033 was adopted by Council at the Tuesday 22 August 2023 Ordinary Council Meeting. 

Strategic Community Plan (2019-2029)

The previous Strategic Community Plan was the result of a major review in February 2018. The major review included extensive community engagement, culminating in the endorsement by Council of the City's Strategic Community Plan 2019-2029 at the September 2018 Council meeting. 

During 2020 a minor review was undertaken to give our community the chance to provide fresh feedback. This review process commenced in July 2020. The resulting changes didn't alter the intent of the plan, and were primarily updates to demographic data or minor edits to the names of our Community Plan Strategies that underpin our aspirations. 

You can read more on the review processes in the plan

Previous reviews

Developing our Strategic Community Plan - 2023 Major Review

A major review

From late 2022 until early 2023 the City undertook an extensive community engagement process which was divided into two parts.

Part one 

Part one was an in-depth consultation which started with a workshop with Elected Members to determine their vision for the future of the City of Rockingham.

This was followed by an in-depth consultation with the community, including workshops, pop-ups (in-person interviews at local shopping centres and City facilities and events), and dedicated consultation with our advisory and reference groups, using open-ended questions to identify the topics that should be included in the Strategic Community Plan.

Part two

Part two was a comprehensive survey to prioritise the words to be included in the vision and the topics identified in part one under each of the Aspirations, and to identify any missing topics that are important to our community.

Elected members were informed of the progress of the community engagement program at the February 2023 Councillor Engagement Session, and at a Councillor Engagement Session in May 2023 the draft vision and aspirations were discussed.

To ensure that the Strategic Community Plan was truly representative of the views of the City of Rockingham’s community, the consultation needed to reach as broad a range of the community and stakeholders as possible. Accordingly, the consultation deliberately sought input from hard-to-reach community members and those who had not previously engaged with the City.

The City also referred to its recent community satisfaction survey and business survey with more than 1,000 participants, gathering invaluable feedback to inform the development of the Strategic Community Plan. 

We would like to offer our sincere thanks to the community members who took the time to provide feedback during this review.

Reviewing our Strategic Community Plan - 2020 Minor Review

A minor review

This review was advertised during July 2020 on the City’s website, social media and via public notice in the Sound Telegraph. We also sought comments from our Rock Port users, and the working group who helped to develop the plan in 2018. An updated version of the Strategic Community Plan was adopted by Council at the October 2020 meeting. 

Developing our Strategic Community Plan - 2018 Major Review

A major review

Our previous plan was adopted in 2018, following a major strategic review and extensive community engagement at Planning for the Future workshops where the community outlined the aspirations and priorities for the future which guide the City’s strategic direction.

Community input

We held a series of Planning for the Future workshops and conducted surveys between February and May 2018 to determine the community's vision and aspirations. The community shared what they valued most about Rockingham, and what they wanted the City to aspire to be over the next 10 to 20 years.

More than 500 sets of inputs were received from the community during the process through the following:

  • community members – a total of seven workshops were held at various venues across the City (10,000 random sample invites were sent to the community to attend these workshops)
  • the City’s business community (organised in conjunction with Rockingham Kwinana Chamber of Commerce) 
  • Rockingham Youth Advisory Council
  • Kolbe College and Rockingham High School students
  • the Disability Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee (DAIAC) - members were asked to provide their inputs 
  • members of the community at the Salvation Army in Rockingham 
  • visitors to the City's libraries (by providing comments on questions in a survey book)
  • an online survey to the Rock Port community
  • a public survey on Facebook 
  • Rock Port working group online forum and workshop.

Councillor input

A workshop with the City's Councillors was held on 1 May 2018.  The purpose of this workshop was to present the outcomes from the community workshops and surveys, and to identify the priority areas for the community. A representative from each of the community workshops was in attendance to support the outcomes of their workshops.  There was a strong level of alignment with the feedback presented and what the Councillors believed should be the key strategic focus areas for the City for the next 10 years.

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