Verges and gardens

City of Rockingham

Your verge

Streetscapes or verges are typically described as the area of land between a road edge and the adjacent property boundary.  We ensure streetscapes are developed to an appropriate and consistent standard, with due regard to aesthetics and public safety. 

Frequently asked questions

  • Find frequently asked questions about verges and verge treatments.

    What is a street verge?

    A street verge is the area of land located between a street kerb and the boundary of an adjacent property. Verges provide a section of land which accommodates a number of essential public service utilities such as, street lighting, power, water, underground fire hydrants, sewerage, drainage, gas, telephone and optic fibre cables.

    Whose responsibility is the street verge?

    Verge development including acceptable materials and landscaping is the responsibility of the owner or occupier. Verge treatments must be installed, maintained and repaired in accordance with the guidelines and with the lawful directive of City officers to minimise risk to the public.

    In the event of a change of land ownership, the responsibility for a developed verge passes onto the new owner or occupier.

    ​The City is responsible for the planting, removal and maintenance of trees in the street verge.

    What are permissible verge treatments?

    Permissible verge treatments

    • lawn
    • garden
    • installation of acceptable material.
    Acceptable materials​
    • concrete
    • brick and paver
    • organic mulch - wood chip, pine bark and similar
    • compacted limestone providing a flat and stable surface
    • professionally installed synthetic lawn

    Acceptable materials are allowed to cover 50% of the verge or 10m2, whichever is the greater. The remaining balance of the verge must be lawn, garden or organic mulch.

    Unacceptable materials

    The following verge treatments are not permitted:

    • ​inorganic mulches such as gravel, stone, crushed brick or rock
    • bitumen or asphalt
    • items that protrude above the surface of the verge, except removable garden edging.
    Do I need permission to landscape my verge?

    When landscaping of verges only includes natural lawn, garden or organic mulch, landscaping can be undertaken without written approval. ​When landscaping of verges includes any other acceptable materials, you must submit a written application and include a plan for assessment and approval.

    Maintaining pedestrian accessibility

    Where a public footpath is not provided on either side of the road, a 2m wide pedestrian access must be provided along the kerb line.

    Maintaining visibility for pedestrians and motorists

    In order to ensure visibility for pedestrians and motorists, all vegetation (excluding street trees) must be maintained to a maximum of 500mm within 2m from the kerb line, areas adjacent to vehicular crossings and areas within 10m of an intersection.

    Can I install garden edging?

    Removable garden edging is permitted to delineate verge gardens and contain mulch. Conditions apply.

    Can I have irrigation on my verge?

    Waterwise verges comprising native plant species are encouraged so that irrigation of the verge is not required. Where irrigation is required conditions apply.

    Who takes care of the tree on my verge?

    We are responsible for the planting and maintenance of all street trees however we ask the owner or occupier to water newly planted trees.

    If a street tree has not been planted by us prior to the verge treatments being installed, we will provide advice on the location(s) of future tree plantings and a minimum of 1.5m x 1.5m opening must be provided. Root barrier should be installed by the owner or occupier to prevent root intrusion.

    Where do I find out the location of any underground services on my verge?

    Before any verge development work, call Dial before you Dig on 1100 or go visit the Dial Before you Dig websiteopens in a new window to find out the location of any below ground services on your verge.

  • Answers to frequently asked questions about residential driveways or crossovers.

    Is a permit required or do I need to submit an application prior to constructing a crossover?

    Yes. You can use the Application Form provided below or email us your plans.

    Please ensure that the crossover complies with our Specifications - Residential Crossovers below. We will contact you to provide assistance if your application doesn't or can't, meet the specifications.

    Can I remove the existing footpath to make way for the crossover?

    No, the footpath cannot be removed to make way for the crossover. The intent of the concrete footpath is to provide a continuous uniform path giving the pedestrian right of way and to prevent the unwanted blocking of pedestrian access due to vehicles being parked on the crossover.

    Can I remove the existing kerbing?

    Any existing mountable kerbing must remain in place, unless prior written approval is sought and granted.

    Existing non-mountable or semi-mountable kerbing where the crossover meets the road must be replaced and reinstated with mountable kerbing.  Alternatively, concrete aprons will be considered where requested.

    Can I reduce the wing size?

    The ideal wing size for the crossover is 1.5m each side, but the minimum is 1m each side.

    What is the maximum width of the crossover?

    The maximum width of a crossover is 7m not including wings, or 10m including wings.

    How much rebate am I entitled to?

    We will pay up to 50% of the cost of a single width concrete crossover (3.5m wide) at a rate established by the City based on commercial construction rates.

    The crossover must comply with our Specifications - Residential Crossovers to be eligible, which also contain more information about the City’s contribution on page 15.

    What is the required gradient/slope of a crossover?

    A crossover must be constructed to an existing verge grade – but must be at least 75mm higher where it meets the property boundary than where it meets the road to ensure rainfall flows away from your property, onto the road and into the drainage systems.

    Can I have the crossover all the way to the property side boundary?

    No, otherwise you won’t be able to fit your wings onto your crossover without encroaching on your neighbour’s verge.  

    The crossover, including the wings, must remain within the verge area directly affronting your property and not extend over onto the verge in front of your neighbour's. 

    Our Specifications – Residential Crossovers include a diagram to show how this works for properties in a cul-de-sac.

    What is the minimum distance from a crossover to street trees or utility boxes/pits?

    All elements of the crossover (including wings) must be located at a minimum distance of 3m from street trees (to the trunk) and 1m from street furniture, crossing points or any utility asset, including drainage and services, bus stops, ramps, streetlights and power poles.

    If this is impossible to achieve, please contact us for assistance.

    Can I have a second crossover on my property?

    To have a second crossover you must have a minimum frontage width of 20m. Exceptions may be granted for a corner lot, if it can be demonstrated that the proposed crossover is also at a safe distance from the intersection.

    Approval will depend on how much of your verge is already covered in hardstand vs organic materials such as turf or mulch. A second crossover will not be permitted if it means over 50 per cent of your verge would be paved or covered with a hardstand material or synthetic turf (excluding your primary crossover).

    How do I apply for a second crossover?

    Please use the Application Form provided below or email us your plans to

    Who can I contact for assistance?

    Please call the City on 9528 0333 or email us at for assistance.

    A Public Asset Inspector will be happy to provide advice and support, or review your proposed plan for approval or feedback.

Tips for verge compliance

  • Verge compliance made simple imageBefore you do any type of excavation on your verge, please ‘Dial Before You Dig’ to avoid personal injury or damage to services.
  • Verge compliance made simple imageYou can cover your verge with lawn, plant low growing shrubs that will stay shorter than half a metre, or spread organic mulch over it.
  • Verge compliance made simple imagePlease keep your verge tidy and the weeds under control.
  • Verge compliance made simple imageYour verge treatment can include acceptable hard surfaces, including synthetic turf, up to 50% or 10 sqm (whichever is larger) of the total area.
  • Verge compliance made simple imageSome materials are unsuitable for verges. Please use organic (plant-based) mulches only, and keep it fully contained within your verge.
  • Verge compliance made simple imagePlease keep your verge clear of objects that may be a trip hazard. Protruding objects and unlevel surfaces may cause harm to pedestrians.
  • Verge compliance made simple imageStreet trees create many benefits for the community and environment. Removing them from the verge is not permitted and will incur a fine.
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  • Verge compliance made simple image
  • Verge compliance made simple image
  • Verge compliance made simple image
  • Verge compliance made simple image
  • Verge compliance made simple image
  • Verge compliance made simple image
  • Verge compliance made simple image

Plants and gardens

Find out about plants and trees in gardens, including what not to plant. 

Pest plants

Pest plants are considered to be of environmental or horticultural concern due their ability to spread and out-compete desired species which can threaten the natural biodiversity and amenity of our reserves.

Pest plants can also impact pasture production and be toxic to stock, and as a result their management across the City of Rockingham is important to prevent spread and localised impact. These plants most often were introduced for their ornamental features such as flowers and fruit, and as fodder for stock and erosion control.

To assist in the control of certain weeds the City under its Pest Plants Local Law 2000 has listed weeds of concerns and may serve a notice to the owner or occupier of private land requiring the destruction, eradication or otherwise control of any pest plant on that land.

A summary of these pest plants and ways to control them has been listed below. These species are actively controlled by the City in our natural areas, foreshore reserves, wetlands, parks and verges.

Found a pest plant on your property?

See our pest plant information listed below to find out how you can best control it. For pest plants on City property or for further information, please contact us.


Schinus terebinthifolius Schinus terebinthifolius

Brazilian Pepper Schinus terebinthifolius

Brazilian Pepper is an invasive plant that grows to a large shrub or tree and produces small bright red berries up to 5mm diameter during winter. It forms dense thickets and disturbance to the canopy or root system can result in prolific sucker growth.

Brazilian Pepper due its prolific growth can out-compete native vegetation by shading and smothering. It is found in wetlands, coastal sites and rural areas in the City. Seeds are spread by birds and small mammals.

Smaller plants can be removed by hand, however is important to remove all roots to prevent suckering. The City often basal barks this species or removes the entire plant and manages sucker growth by applying herbicide in summer.

A range of control methods can be found on the Florabase websiteopens in a new window.

Caltrop Caltrop

Caltrop Tribulus terrestris

Caltrop is an annual ground cover that produces fruit with long sharp spines that are very painful if stepped on.

Caltrop germinates in the warmer months of the year following sufficient rainfall and can reproduce continuously from late spring to autumn. It will readily infest bare disturbed soil, verges and road sides. Yellow flowers turn into seeds that can cling to footwear, clothing, car tyres, bike tyres and animals which aids its spread across large distances. Infestations can out-compete other ground cover plants including turf.

Small plants can be removed by hand, by gripping at the root crown and pulling up. Gloves are required to avoid the sharp spines. Place plants in rubbish bags and tie securely for disposal. The remaining seed on top of the soil can be collected by laying sheets of foam across the area which the seed will readily cling to.  

A range of control methods can be found on the Western Australian Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development websiteopens in a new window.

Pampas grass Pampas grass

Pampas Grass Cortaderia selloana

Pampas Grass is a tufted plant that can grow up to 4m high and has strappy grey-green sharp edged leaves. Upright spikes of feathery flowers are produced in summer through to autumn and persist for many months. It was introduced as an ornamental plant due to its long feathery flowers, which produce a large number of wind-dispersed fine haired seeds. It readily infests wetlands where it forms dense thickets and out-competes native plants.

Small plants can be dug out and slashed. Gloves are required as the leaves are sharp. Pampas Grass can also be treated with selective herbicides. A range of control methods can be found on the Florabase websiteopens in a new window.


Morning Glory Flower Morning Glory Flower

Morning Glory Ipomoea indica

Morning Glory is a vigorous twining vine that often smothers other plants and small trees. Leaves are green and heart shaped, and the trumpet-shaped flowers are bright blue to purple and are produced for most of the year. It prefers damp areas around wetlands, lakes and water courses.

Morning Glory grows from tubers and can produce new roots when broken stem fragments are in contact with the soil, therefore when controlling this plant it is best to cut the vine at the base and allow growth to dry out before removal. If possible, it is best to dig out all roots.

Cut or scraped stems can be painted with a 20-50 per cent rate of glyphosate. The vine can be treated via a foliar spray with either glyphosate or metsulfuron-methyl, and will need to be monitored for regrowth each year.

Fountain Grass Fountain Grass

Fountain Grass Cenchrus setaceus

Fountain Grass has a clumping habit and can reach one metre high and contains feather-like flowers and light green upright leaves. It was introduced as an ornamental plant and can form dense populations which out-compete native vegetation and is unpalatable to stock and native animals.

Fountain Grass is highly invasive and difficult to control once established as seeds can remain viable for up to 10 years. It can also spread by underground rhizomes.

It is a drought-tolerant species and grows in a range of habitats including coastal areas, wetlands, bushland and disturbed sites and can be a fire hazard when it forms dense monocultures.

Individual plants or small populations can be dug out. Larger plants can be slashed in winter and regrowth sprayed with 1 per cent glyphosate + Pulse in spring to autumn. Unlashed plants can also be treated with a grass selective herbicide or glyphosate.

Coastal Tea Tree Flower Coastal Tea Tree Flower

Coastal Tea Tree Leptospermum laevigatum

Coastal Tea Tree is a large, bushy shrub between 1.5m and 6m tall, with oval leathery leaves, grey-green in colour and white flowers in spring and early summer. It naturally occurs in south eastern areas of Australia and was introduced to Western Australia as a dune stabilising plant.

Coastal Tea Tree produces a large number of seeds and has become a highly invasive weed especially in coastal areas as it tolerates dry conditions, strong salty winds and forms dense thickets that out-compete other plants.

Small plants can be removed by hand. Large plants can be cut off at the base and this will most often will kill the plant, but it will need to be monitored as resprouting can sometimes occur.

More treatment information can be found on the Florabase websiteopens in a new window.  


Bugle Lily Watsonia meriana var. bulbillifera

Watsonia as it also regularly referred to, is a perennial annual and grows from a corm which produces upright strappy leaves in the winter up to 1 metre tall. It produces tubular flowers on tall spikes from September to November that are most often red but can also be pink or orange. It can form thick clumps and quickly smothers other plants.

Watsonia inhabits damp areas such as roadside drains, valley slopes, creeklines and waterways. It can impede water movement in drains and invade important wetland reserves. It reproduces by seed and multiples by forming new corms in the ground and from new corms that develop as clusters (cormils) on the lower part of the flower spike.

Small clumps can be dug out when the soil is moist or individual leaves can be wiped with 10% glyphosate. Slashing can impede flower development and spread, and larger Watsonia infestations can be treated with the herbicide: 2.2-DPA 10 g/L + Pulse. Application must be when flower spikes emerge. 

More treatment information can be found on the Florabase websiteopens in a new window.  

Wild Olive Tree Olea europea

Olive Trees were introduced for their fruit and have been planted in many gardens and public areas. It produces sprays of small white flowers from August to December and becomes a stone fruit from March to August. Leaves are stiff, narrow and dark green with a pale underside and can be shrubby, growing to a height of 10 metres

Fruits are readily dispersed by birds and due to their drought-tolerant nature, they can readily infest bushland environments and out-compete native vegetation.

Small plants can be removed by hand or dug out. Large plants can be cut at the base (basal bark) and a mixture of herbicide can be applied. It can also resprout from the base and produce root suckers, so follow up treatment may be required.

More treatment information can be found on the Florabase websiteopens in a new window.

Narrow Leaf Cottonbush Gomphocarpus fruticosus 

Cottonbush has dull green, narrow leaves and is an erect perennial herb or shrub that can grow to 0.5 to 1.5m high. From February to July it produces small white cream flowers that become a puffy fruit which opens to produce fluffy white seeds that are easily dispersed by the wind.   

Cotton bush can be found in degraded pastures, around water courses and wetlands, on roadsides and disturbed areas. It is toxic to stock and exudes a milky sap when damaged, which can cause skin irritations therefore any contact with the plant must include the wearing of gloves.

Small plants can be removed by hand and removing all the roots is preferred as it can re-sprout. Hand removal can also cause mature fruits to open and disperse seed, meaning the fruits may need to be removed first. Larger plants can be sprayed with glyphosate or metsulfuron methyl which is best applied in late spring and early summer before seed set.

More information can be found on the Western Australian Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development website Western Australian Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development websiteopens in a new window.

Use of herbicides

Use of herbicides in the City

  • The City ensures the safe use of herbicides is an integral part of weed management practices for staff and residents.
  • Weed management is undertaken in parks, streetscapes, natural areas and on roads.
  • While glyphosate is the most commonly applied herbicide in the City, alternative methods including steam and organic products based on acetic acid are currently being trialled.
  • Roundup Bioactive 360 is the herbicide used in aquatic areas and wetlands within the City because it has been approved for use in these environments by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA).
  • We are limited in relation to other effective methods of weed control that can be undertaken economically in natural areas. If weeds are left unchecked they out-compete native species and destroy habitat for wildlife


  • Glyphosate with its current constituents is considered safe, subject to compliance with the manufacturer’s safety guidelines for application, storage and cartage.
  • Glyphosate has been approved for use by the Federal Department of Health’s APVMA.
  • The City uses low pressure spray units where possible.
  • Signage is installed as per the Department of Health Guidelines when chemicals are being applied.
  • In large grassed areas, contractors display signs, use flashing beacons and use a foam residue marker to show where spraying has occurred.
  • The contractors spraying the kerb drive until a weed is spotted and spray directly on to the weed. They do not spray if people are in the vicinity.
  • All City officers are required to wear the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment and are restricted to spraying on days when conditions are favourable. Favourable conditions relate to wind direction, wind speed and weather.

International and Australian considerations of glyphosate

The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) has indicated that glyphosate is a registered pesticide and it has been deemed safe to use as per the manufacturer's instructions on the label.

The APVMA concluded that glyphosate does not pose a cancer risk to humans and that products containing glyphosate are safe to use as per the label instructions. It has not made any change to this stance since the release of the assessment outcomes on 23 March 2017.

The APVMA undertook a detailed assessment of the human health risks associated with glyphosates in late 2016, following concerns raised by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).

For more information on APVMA's stance visit The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority websiteopens in a new window.


Weed-free garden and footpath

Do Not Spray Register

I don’t want my area sprayed – what can I do?

If you don’t want the kerb or footpath near your property treated, please register your name and address on our Do Not Spray Register by emailing By opting into the Do Not Spray Register you agree to keep your verge and footpath weed free. 
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