Economic development

Penguin Island ferry

At a Glance

Map of Rockinghan and surrounds identifying proximity to Perth CBD and key transport networks.

Economic Development Strategy

The City’s Economic Development Strategy 2020-2025 was adopted by Council on 17 March 2020, encapsulating the economic development vision that “we are committed to developing and shaping a robust and resilient economy that supports the growth and sustainability of new and existing businesses, new and emerging industries and technologies, and creates a positive business environment whilst enhancing local lifestyle and providing a range of diverse employment opportunities”.
Aimed at achieving a long-term economic outcomes for Rockingham, the Economic Development Strategy 2020-2025 reflects the City's ongoing commitment to addressing the needs of the local business community, attracting new and diverse investment and delivering increased economic and social benefits to our community. We aim to continue to grow a diverse, vibrant, resilient and balanced economy that will provide jobs growth and drive sustainable economic success for years to come.
Prior to Council’s adoption of the strategy, a comprehensive consultation process was carried out by the City. Feedback was received from residents, business owners, business leaders, councillors and also State and Federal Government stakeholders. This feedback was then used to shape the strategy.
In line with the information gained during the research and consultation phases, we will focus our economic development actions around four key elements:
  • Key Element 1 - Investment Attraction
  • Key Element 2 - Strategic Metropolitan Centre
  • Key Element 3 - Local Business Development
  • Key Element 4 - Advocacy and Lobbying
Over the period from 2020 - 2025, we will implement actions identified within this strategy.  This will support and explore opportunities to increase industry development and diversification, job development and diversification and provide a range of stimulus to grow the local Rockingham economy

Investment ProspectusInvestment Prospectus cover

A key action included in the City’s Economic Development Strategy 2020 - 2025 is the development of a new investment prospectus for the City to attract business investment in identified key growth sectors.

The City’s latest Investment Prospectus was launched on 1 June 2021 and is now available for download below.

For more information on how the Economic Development team can assist your needs with property, developing or investing in the City of Rockingham, phone (08) 9528 0333 or email



The following provides the latest snapshot of key indicators of the City of Rockingham Economy.

Visit the City of Rockingham profile for in-depth statistical analysis of our population, demographics and economic profile.

Graphic depicting the key profile statistics of the City of Rockingham.

SOURCE:, by .id, the population experts. GRP: Gross Regional Product. ABS: Australian Bureau of Statistics. ERP: estimated resident population. NIEIR: National Institute of Economic and Industry Research.

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