dog on a beach

Dog owners must abide by the legislation as set out in the Dog Act 1976opens in a new window. Dog owners are required by law to ensure dogs over the age of three months are microchipped and registered with their local government.  Not registering or microchipping your pet can result in a fine.

Dog registration

Dogs in the City of Rockingham that are over the age of three months old must be registered with the City. 

Registration is available for one year, three years or for a lifetime. You can also transfer your dog registration from another local government if you have moved house.

Call us on 9528 0333opens in a new window or email for further information.

Renew your dog's registration onlineopens in a new window

The registration period (a “dog year”) runs from 1 November to 31 October each year, (regardless of the date when the dog is actually registered).

If you are registering your dog for the first time, please complete a dog registration form.

2024/2025 fee schedule*

Scroll sideways
1 year - $201 year - $50
3 year - $42.503 year - $120
Lifetime - $100Lifetime - $250

*A pensioner concession of 50% applies to holders of a current Pensioner Concession Card or 'Commonwealth Seniors Health' Card together with a Seniors Card.  These need to be provided to claim the concession.

Conditions of registering your dog with the City

  • Once your dog is registered, you will be issued with a coloured dog tag stating your dog’s number and registration expiry date once registered. In addition to the registration tag provided, the owner’s name and address must be attached to its collar.
  • All dogs must be microchipped and this number needs to be provided to us when you register your dog. A registered Veterinary Surgeon’s Certificate or statutory declaration must be produced to be eligible for sterilisation rates.
  • ​If you register your dog under the non-sterilised rate, and subsequently have your dog sterilised, you may be eligible for a partial refund of the fee. You can apply for this using the Pet Change of Particulars form.
Sterilisation and microchipping


There are many benefits to having dogs sterilised, including preventing unwanted litters that can create many animal welfare issues. Many issues our Ranger Services respond to could be prevented through improved understanding of pet health management.

Under the Cook Government Stop Puppy Farmingopens in a new window laws commencing in 2025, all pet dogs will be required to be sterilised after two years of age, unless exempt. 

Financial support for eligible pet owners is available through the Pet Sterilisation Program, a RSPCA WA initiative funded by a State Government grant.  You can submit an expression of interestopens in a new window on the RSPCA Be Wise website.


All dogs over the age of three months are required by law to be microchipped. Proof of microchipping will be required at time of registration; this can be your dog's microchip number. If a pet is sold or transferred to a new owner, the new owner needs to update their details with the relevant microchipping database.

Please contact your local vet for costs associated with microchipping. Your vet will also be able to assist you with vaccinating your dog.

Please note that microchipping your dog does not automatically register it with the City. 

Change of details

If you move house or no longer have your pet, please let us know in writing by emailing as soon as possible so we can update our records. 

It is important to notify in writing both the local government the dog is registered to as well as the microchip database company about any change to details within seven days of the change.

Prescribed number of dogs

The City of Rockingham Dogs Local Law 2019 restricts the amount of dogs that can be kept on a property. The limitation does not apply to licensed kennel establishments, properties that have been granted an exemption or are established as a veterinary hospital or clinic.

Currently, under the City’s local law the following limitations apply:

Residential properties

Allowed to keep two dogs over the age of three months. You can apply to keep a third dog by submitting the appropriate form below

Special Rural or Rural properties

Allowed to keep three dogs over the age of three months.  You can apply to keep a fourth dog by submitting the appropriate form below

Please note that all dogs listed in your application must be over the age of three months and registered before submitting the form. Puppies under the age of three months should not be included on the application.

Further information about limitations and applying for an exemption can be obtained from Ranger Services on 9528 0333.

Two dogs playing

Wandering dogs

Please prevent your dog from wandering the streets alone by ensuring your home is secure enough to prevent a dog escaping, keeping in mind dogs can escape by digging, jumping, running out of open gates and garage doors.

If your dog does escape, it could be seized by a ranger and impounded, or even killed on the roads by a car, which is a very common occurrence.

View animals currently impounded

Nuisance barking

If you have a problem with nuisance barking, we always recommend you speak to the owner of the dog.  Often the neighbour is not aware their dog is causing a nuisance as it may happen when they are away.

There are a number of steps an owner can take to minimise or stop their dog from causing a nuisance. Barking control measures which may be suggested include:

  • leaving a radio or TV on when you are out
  • leaving your dog with a range of toys to keep them occupied
  • organising a dog walker
  • booking your dog into a dog daycare
  • barking control collar
  • keeping your dog inside the house.

If the barking continues or if you are unable to approach the neighbour, please report the nuisance barking to our Rangers on 9528 0333opens in a new window.

Dangerous dogs and dog attacks

Dangerous Dogs

Certain breeds of dogs have been identified by the Australian Government as being particularly aggressive.  They have been banned from import into Australia and each state and territory introduced legislation to protect the community from these breeds. The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries has more information and useful fact sheetsopens in a new window that outline further details on the keeping of restricted breeds.

Dog Attacks

A dog attack is defined as any dog that attacks or chases any person or animal causing physical injury or any dog that attacks or chases any person or animal without causing physical injury.

Dog attacks are taken very seriously and could result in a costly penalty and/or court hearing.

The owner or person responsible for the control of the dog that attacks or chases a person or animal and causes physical injury can be liable for a fine of up to $10,000.

If the dog is declared dangerous and physical injury is caused, a fine of up to $20,000 is possible.  Dogs found causing injury or damage may be destroyed.  Your dog will benefit from obedience training and socialising as a young puppy.

Dogs must always be kept on a lead when out of the enclosure of your home, unless in a designated off-lead area.

The victim should keep all documentation relating to the attack (medical reports or expenses, vet reports or expenses, photographs of injuries).

Make contact with Ranger Services on 9528 0333opens in a new window at the earliest opportunity with as many details as possible.

Contact a Ranger

Our Rangers are available seven days a week from 7am–7pm by calling 9528 0333opens in a new window.

For enquiries outside of business hours please still call 9528 0333opens in a new window and the City's after-hours service will pass on the details to the Rangers, who will deal with your matter at the earliest possible time.  If the matter is urgent, an on-call officer will be contacted as soon as possible.

Dog exercise areas

We have a range of reserves which are dedicated as off-leash areas, as well as two enclosed dog exercise areas in Baldivis and Rockingham.  There are also over 10 beaches along our coastline that you can exercise your dog off leash.  For full details please visit pet recreation. At all of our off-leash exercise areas your dog is required to be under your effective voice control (recall) at all times.  

Have you received an animal infringement?

If you have received an animal related infringement you have the right to appeal through the City's online appeal form.

A Guide to Keeping Animals in the City of Rockingham

We have published a useful guide to owning animals in Rockingham.  The booklet can be obtained in hard copy from our Administration Building or you can download it here to read online.  The guide covers dogs, cats, wildlife, useful contacts and information around the City's local laws on animal management.

Cover of Guide to Keeping Animals <span class="sr-only">opens in a new window</span>


Tips for responsible dog ownership

  • Pick up after your dog and dispose of the poo bag responsibly
  • Dogs and cats are not allowed on playgrounds
  • Remember to register, microchip and ID your pet
  • Is your dog a nuisance neighbour?
  • Keep your dog on a leash
  • You are always responsible for your dog's actions
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