Swimming pools, spas and safety barriers

Do I need a building permit for my new pool/spa?

All new pool and spa installations must meet the requirements of the Building Regulations 2012 and comply with the minimum requirements of AS1926.1.

Before commencing any building works for your new pool or spa, you need to obtain a building permit for the pool/spa and safety barrier.

The builder is required under occupational safety and health laws to ensure that a suitable barrier is in place while the pool is under construction in order to manage a range of site hazards.

Once your pool or spa is installed, you must notify us to organise an inspection of the barrier or fence that encloses it. 

Please contact us on 9528 0333 to discuss your proposed swimming pool and safety barrier requirements for your building permit submission.

Drowning is preventable. Adult supervision when young children are within the enclosure is essential for child safety.  Maintain the barrier at all times.  Do not prop the gate open.

Rules for portable pools and spas

By law, swimming and spa pools containing water more than 30cm deep must have effective safety barriers that restrict access by young children. This includes portable pools.

​​Propped open pool gates and faulty latches are a leading cause of drowning deaths in young children. Young children can drown in portable pools and spas in a matter of seconds if left unsupervised.

Rules for portable pools and spas 


Pool fence inspections

All swimming pools and spas which contain water that is more than 30cm deep need to be inspected to ensure that a suitable barrier is provided that restricts access by young children (children under the age of five years). The inspection is to ensure that the barrier meets the minimum requirements of AS1926.1. Barriers are then inspected every four years.

Our Compliance Officers will contact the property owner to arrange these inspections. Fees associated with these inspections are independent of the building permit application fees. 

Inspection fees

  • To enable the four-yearly barrier inspection regime to be carried out, we have a fixed charge of $194.44 per property which contains a pool or spa. 
  • It is charged annually and will appear itemised on your rates notice each year as one quarter of the total charge ($48.61 per year). The fee is ongoing to ensure the regime is continued. 
  • Additional one-off inspections may be carried out at the request of a property owner for a fee of $149.14.

Frequently asked questions

Do I need an isolation barrier if I do not have children?

Yes. It is the owners/occupiers' responsibility to ensure that any structure containing water to a depth greater than 30cm that is used primarily for swimming, wading, paddling or the like, including a bathing or wading pool or spa pool, requires a barrier that complies with AS1926.1.

How long do I have after installation of my pool/spa before I need to erect a barrier?

If the structure contains water to a depth greater than 30cm, installation of a compliant barrier is an immediate requirement. If you cannot install a permanent barrier immediately (due to compaction, concreting, paving etc.) a temporary solution must be provided. Your temporary fence must still meet the minimum requirements of AS1926.1 and will require an inspection by a representative from the City.

Does my pool/spa need approval from the City?

Yes. You will need to submit an application for a building permit. The application must contain construction details/engineering drawings where applicable for the proposed pool/spa.  Please contact us on 9528 0333 to discuss or to seek advice.

I'm decommissioning my pool, what are my options?

The information provided below is for guidance only.

When removing (decommissioning) an existing swimming pool, the following two options are available:

Option 1 - pool shell is removed completely

  • Firstly, advise the City in writing via letter or email that you intend to remove your pool shell completely.
  • Once we have acknowledged the removal of the pool shell, the water in your pool will need to be pumped out and disposed of off-site.
  • In order to remove the pool shell you will need to engage the services of a structural engineer on how to remove the pool shell. They should provide you with advice on the filling and compaction of the excavation.
  • A copy of the compaction test results will need to be sent to the City for our records.
  • Contact our swimming pool inspection team on 9528 0333 to organise a time an inspector can attend your property to confirm the pool has been removed.

In most instances the removal of a pool does not require a building permit application, however, if the removal of the shell impacts on adjoining structures such as a dwelling, patios/outbuildings, a building permit application may be required. For further information contact the City's Building Services on 9528 0333.

Option 2 - pool shell remains but is decommissioned

  • Firstly, advise the City in writing via letter or email that you intend to decommission the existing pool shell to prevent it from holding any water.
  • Once we have acknowledged the decommissioning of the pool shell, the water in your pool will need to be pumped out and disposed of off-site.
  • In order to decommission the pool shell you should engage the services of a structural engineer on how to decommission the pool shell, including details to prevent water build-up and to ensure there are no long-term structural issues from the decommissioning. The structural engineer should provide advice on the filling and compaction of the unfilled pool.
  • A copy of the compaction test results will need to be sent to the City for our records
  • Contact our swimming pool inspection team on 9528 0333 to organise a time an inspector can attend your property to confirm the pool has been decommissioned
  • The City's Rates section will be advised that the pool shell has been decommissioned.

In most instances the decommissioning of a pool shell does not require a building permit application, however, if your structural engineer has provided advice and works need to occur to the site, a building permit application may be required.  For further information contact the City's Building Services on 9528 0333.

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