Find out about the services the City offers in your area.
Find out the many ways we support the people who make up our community.
Find a venue or facility and learn more about recreation in the City.
There's always plenty to see and do in the City of Rockingham.
Everything you need to know about infrastructure projects and roadworks, and building and planning approvals.
Learn about our vision, Council meetings, careers, business and investment.
Find a new passion, reignite an old one, or explore the many ways to get active while enjoying our magnificent coastal lifestyle.
Explore the challenge and beauty of Perth's Golf Coast.
Indoor and outdoor options to improve your fitness.
Find a local tennis club to join or hire a court for a quick hit.
Discover the many opportunities to walk and run in Rockingham.
Explore the City's cycling paths and cycling tips.
Boat ramps, best spots and frequently asked questions.
Our coastline provides the perfect aquatic playground.
Whatever the weather, there's a beach or pool to suit you.
We have 40km of magnificent open water to explore.