Prohibited Burning Period Extended

The Department of Fire and Emergency Services has further extended the Prohibited Burning Period to Sunday 12 May 2024. No Permits to Burn will be issued during this time. All enquiries to 9528 0333.

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Resource recovery and impact

Graphic of people holding recyclable items with the text: Be a great sort, make landfill the last resort.

Our Waste Plan

Here in the City of Rockingham we want to do our bit to ensure a sustainable future by reducing the amount of waste that goes to landfill; in fact our Community’s Vision is: “A quality lifestyle. A sustainable future”, and it's one of our Community Aspirations to be a place of natural beauty where the environment is respected.

Resource recovery is about finding ways to recycle or reuse valuable materials that otherwise would be destined for landfill. The City has a Waste Plan 2020/2021, which aligns with the WA State Government’s direction to create a sustainable, low-waste, circular economy in which human health and the environment are protected from the impacts of waste.

There are three main areas of focus, as set out in the State Government’s Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2030 (Waste Strategy):

  • Avoid - Western Australians generate less waste.
  • Recover - Western Australians recover more value and resources from waste.
  • Protect - Western Australians protect the environment by managing waste responsibly.

Further information on our waste targets, behaviour change activities and key operational actions can be found within our Waste Plan 2020/2021 below.

An annual review of our Waste Plan actions is submitted to the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) at the end of each financial year.

Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO)

As part of our Waste Plan 2020/2021 we are making the Food Organic and Garden Organic (FOGO) service available to all residential properties that currently use the green-lidded garden organic bin.

The three-bin FOGO system commenced roll out in the Perth metropolitan area in 2019. The WA State Government is encouraging the introduction of this best-practice three-bin system throughout all local governments in the Perth and Peel regions by 2025.

Here in the City of Rockingham we want to do our bit to ensure a sustainable future by reducing the amount of waste that goes to landfill; in fact our Community’s Vision is: “A quality lifestyle. A sustainable future”, and it's one of our Community Aspirations to be a place of natural beauty where the environment is respected. The City is implementing a FOGO waste collection service in the City of Rockingham by the end of June 2025.  This is simply an expansion of the existing three-bin GO (Garden Organic) service which was implemented in 2017.

What is FOGO?

FOGO stands for ‘Food Organics, Garden Organics'. The FOGO system provides residents with more options for separating their waste with the aim to improve waste recovery rates, increase diversion from landfill. Organic waste diverted from landfill means less production of harmful greenhouse gas methane. As this journey progresses we will keep you informed of the changes and how the system works.

The FOGO journey

We are working through all the details of how a FOGO service can be best delivered in the City of Rockingham and will keep you updated on our progress.

FOGO may bring about a change in how you dispose of you waste in your household so we will doing lots of community education to make sure everyone understands their role in helping to reduce waste for the benefit of our environment.

If you have any questions about the roll out of a FOGO service in the City of Rockingham, please call us on 9528 0333 or email

Waste Education

Environmental Education Program

We are committed to providing free and accessible education to our residents and businesses, including the facilitation of workshops and presentations to help you rethink your waste.

Stay tuned for more information as we update our waste education offerings in 2024.

Looking to create new food waste recovery habitats? You might be interested in our current Compost at Home program available in 2024.

To meet the objectives and targets set out in our Waste Strategy, we are currently developing an environmental education program. For more information and updates on waste education, please contact the Environmental Education Officer on 9528 0333.

WasteSorted Schools Program

The WasteSorted Schools program is run through the Waste Authority, and offers WA schools the opportunity to develop smarter waste practices through the “Reduce, Reuse and Recycle” principle. The program is free to Western Australian schools and provides great support and resources to teachers with activities linked to the WA Curriculum. Schools also have the opportunity to apply for grants towards their waste wise activities.

For further information please visit the WasteSorted Schools website.


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