Town Planning Scheme and zoning

Town Planning Scheme No.2

Town Planning Scheme No.2 applies to the entire city and is the primary statutory planning instrument against which development is guided and controlled.

Town Planning Scheme No.2 (TPS2) provides clear, concise and current planning controls to guide future development and to best serve the needs of the community.

The general objectives of the scheme are to:

  • optimise the provision of services and facilities for the community
  • establish the preferred use of land well in advance of development
  • ensure the coordinated provision of adequate land for development
  • conserve and enhance features of cultural, historical, environmental and natural significance
  • reconcile community needs and aspirations with appropriate land use and development.

The Town Planning Scheme is complemented by a suite of planning policies that seek to provide the Council and the community with direction on those matters where the Council may exercise discretion.

The Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 (LPS Regulations) took effect in October 2015, replacing the Town Planning Regulations 1967. Schedule 2 of the LPS Regulations include "deemed provisions" that automatically apply to every local planning scheme in the State including TPS2. When there is an inconsistency between a "deemed provision" and a current TPS2 provision, the "deemed provision" will prevail.

In September 2017, the City's TPS2 was amended for consistency with the LPS Regulations, by deleting clauses that were superseded by the "deemed provisions". In addition, "Supplemental Provisions" in Schedule A of TPS2 are now included that relate to corresponding "deemed provisions". There are also direct references in TPS2 to the corresponding "deemed provisions" in the LPS Regulations. TPS2 must therefore be considered together with the "deemed provisions" in Schedule 2 of the LPS Regulations.

Download the Town Planning Scheme 2 text and view the maps below.

City of Rockingham online mapping

Map showing the 21 planning zones in the City

Metropolitan Region Scheme

The Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) applies from Singleton in the south to Two Rocks in the north and east to The Lakes.

The MRS provides for growth, for future housing, employment opportunities, transport, conservation and recreation by identifying how land can be used.

The City of Rockingham Town Planning Scheme No.2 subsequently applies corresponding zones and reserves in the MRS.

MRS legislation and maps can be accessed on the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website.

Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendments

An amendment to the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) changes the zoning or reservation of land to allow for a different land use.

To check if any MRS Amendments are proposed within the City of Rockingham, please access the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website.

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