About Council Meetings
The City of Rockingham Council and Committee meetings are guided by the Council Policy - Governance and Meeting Framework.
Council and Standing Committee Meetings are livestreamed and recorded in accordance with Council Policy Recording and Streaming Council, Standing Committees and Annual Electors Meetings.
The dates of the public meetings are made available on the City's website.
The public has the opportunity to participate at public meetings. If you have a question you would like to ask at the Standing Committee or Council meetings or participate in the Annual Electors' Meeting, see Public Participation for more information.
Council Meetings
Ordinary Council Meetings are the formal meetings of the Council as defined by the Local Government Act 1995 in which decisions are made by the Council, the peak decision-making body of the City of Rockingham.
A monthly cycle of meetings commences in February of every calendar year. Ordinary Council Meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of the month (exceptions do apply), starting at 6pm in the City's Council Chambers.
Committee Meetings
The City has two Standing Committees:
- Planning and Asset Services Committee
- Held at 5pm on the Monday the week before the Ordinary Council Meeting
- Corporate and Community Development Committee
- Meetings held at 5pm on the Tuesday the week before the Ordinary Council Meeting.
Standing Committees consider matters relevant to the particular Standing Committee’s areas of consideration and make recommendations to the Ordinary Council for determination.
Committee recommendations are placed before the Council Meeting for decisions. Council may accept Committee recommendations, amend them, or send them back to the appropriate committee for further consideration. Correspondence from individuals or organisations which cannot be handled through the routine processes and policies of the City are referred to the appropriate committee through an officer's report.
The Standing Committees are held in the City of Rockingham Council Chamber at 5pm and members of the public are welcome to attend.