Millar Road Landfill Facility - Commercial waste

City of Rockingham

Commercial conditions of entry

Commercial customers entering the Millar Road Landfill Facility are required to follow the conditions of entry. These are signposted at the facility and are as follows:

  • safety boots and hi-vis must be worn to access the facility and must be worn at all times
  • no aggressive behaviours
  • treat all staff with respect
  • no smoking onsite
  • obey posted speed limits onsite  
  • radio communications with heavy machinery on UHF channel 12 where available.

Illegal dumping including asbestos will not be tolerated onsite and appropriate authorities will be notified.

Contaminated waste classification

Millar Road Landfill Facility is licensed by the Department of Water and Environment Regulation (DWER) to accept a range of solid wastes including Class I, II, and III; and includes contaminated soils, industrial process wastes, treated timber and asbestos.

Classification of contaminated waste is required to determine the acceptability and appropriate disposal arrangements. At Millar Road Landfill all waste is classified according to the DWER Landfill Waste Classification and Definitions (1996), which are available from the DWER websiteopens in a new window.

Commercial Industrial Waste

Commerical waste (including general putrescible) is charged at a per tonne rate, minimum .5 tonne refer to the Entry Fees (below). Last disposal 4pm daily.

Additional requests available for customers:

  1. Burial
  2. Secured Burial
  3. Certificate of Burial (please notify at the time of booking if required).

Commerical industrial waste does not require a booking, unless a burial is required. Please follow the waste booking process.


We accept waste classified as biosecurity. Prices vary depending on the item. Refer to the Entry Fees (below). 

Bookings are required at least 24 hours in advance. Please follow the waste booking process prior to disposal. Disposal is between 11am and 12pm.

This waste type must be carted by a carrier with an Approved Arrangement. See the Department for Agriculture websiteopens in a new window for more information.

Contaminated Waste (Class I, Class II, Class III)

Contaminated waste disposal at the Millar Road Landfill is managed in line with the DWER licensing and regulatory requirements. Before any waste can be received at the landfill, it must be assessed and classified.

A waste disposal application form must be completed and submitted to the City with relevant supporting documents for assessment. Advice and assistance can be obtained from the landfill on 9528 0333opens in a new window.

If you have all the supporting documents and would like to apply for a contaminated waste approval, please complete the commercial contaminated waste application formopens in a new window through Rock Port.

Once an application has been assessed as acceptable for disposal, a waste approval and booking number will be issued. All disposals must be booked 24 hours prior to delivery (or as soon as practicable) with the landfill by following the waste booking process. The booking number must also be provided to the weighbridge on arrival at the landfill facility.

The last disposal at the Millar Road Landfill is 3pm daily.

Contaminated soil up to Class III is charged at a per tonne rate, minimum 0.5 tonne refer to the Entry Fees (below). Price is confirmed upon application assessment.


The following guidelines will assist you to correctly dispose of your commercial asbestos waste at the Millar Road Landfill Facility.  

  • Ensure the asbestos is separated from other material for disposal.
  • Double wrap the asbestos in heavy duty plastic (available from most hardware stores) and seal it with adhesive tape to prevent asbestos fibres from being released.
  • Approved vehicles are allowed on the tip face for direct disposal. All other asbestos must be hand unloaded.
  • No tipping of asbestos is allowed except from a hook truck and with prior approval.
  • Label the asbestos the words "CAUTION ASBESTOS" in letters not less than 50mm high.

All disposals must be booked 24 hours prior to delivery (or as soon as practicable) with the landfill by following the waste booking process.  All disposals must be delivered to the Millar Road Landfill Facility before 3pm each day.

Wrapped asbestos is charged at a per tonne rate, minimum 0.5 tonne (with Landfill Levy exemption) and does not require a contaminated waste application form.

Asbestos Contaminated Soil and Sand

The DWER requires that anyone disposing of soil and/or sand contaminated with asbestos obtain a Waste Acceptance Approval Certificate prior to its disposal at site. A Waste Acceptance Approval (WAA) Certificate can be obtained through Rock Port.

A number of safety measures should be taken to prevent asbestos fibres escaping during removal and transport. These can be discussed with the Landfill as part of the process of obtaining your WAA Certificate.

24 hours’ notice must be given to the facility prior to disposal of asbestos.  Please call 9528 0333 (Monday to Friday 8am – 4.30pm) to book or book online by following the waste booking service.

PFAS (perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances)

Millar Road Landfill Facility is licensed by the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) to accept up to Class III waste, which includes PFAS (perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances). Its disposal is managed in line with strict DWER licensing and regulatory requirements.

DWER is the regulatorof the Millar Road Landfill Facility and is responsible for the oversight, inspection and review of the licencing conditions applied to the facility. As part of our DWER licensing and regulatory requirements, the City performs six-monthly groundwater and leachate testing at the Millar Road Landfill Facility and submits all information to DWER. DWER also conducts random audits of the site.

While low levels of PFAS have been detected on the western edge of the landfill (down gradient), DWER has advised that there is nothing to suggest concerns for public health. The City has been asked to undertake further monitoring and has engaged the services of an accredited contaminated sites auditor to oversee additional groundwater investigations undertaken by qualified consultants. 

The publication “Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the Perth metropolitan area” published by DWER in November 2022 provides information about PFAS water sampling in the Perth metropolitan area. 

Bore owners can consult the HealthyWA website for more information about domestic bore water use.

If you have any questions or concerns about PFAS disposal at the Millar Road Landfill Facility, contact DWER’s Contaminated Sites Information Line on 1300 762 982 or

If you wish to dispose of PFAS at the facility please see Contaminated Waste (Class I, Class II, Class III) for information on applying.

Waste booking process

  • Customers with waste that requires a booking must provide 24 hours' notice prior to delivery (or as soon as practicable) by completing an online booking form through Rock Portopens in a new window or by phone.

    Commercial customers registered with Rock Port

    Rock Port provides an online portal for registered commercial customers of the landfill to apply and book bio-security, asbestos or contaminated waste, once it has been pre-approved through the application process. 

    Registered customers can book bio-security, asbestos or contaminated waste disposal through Rock Portopens in a new window. Once logged in, click on submit a request on the left hand side.

    Commercial customers not registered with Rock Port

    If you are not registered with Rock Port, please create a Rock Port accountopens in a new window.opens in a new window

  • Customers with waste that requires a booking must provide 24 hours' notice prior to delivery (or as soon as practicable) by phone or by by completing an online booking form through Rock Port.

    Commercial industrial, bio-security, asbestos, low level hazardous or contaminated waste can be booked. Please note that Class I-III Contaminated and Low Level Hazardous wastes require pre-approval prior to booking (see above categories for more information).

    Speak with landfill staff to book on 9528 0333opens in a new window.

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