The City of Rockingham is one of three local government pilot sites selected to participate in the Heat Vulnerability Projectopens in a new window to deliver a number of interventions including:
Energy Ahead partnership
In partnership with Energy Ahead, we are delivering a number of Heatwave Ready workshops during November 2024. The workshops will provide information about:
Workshop information
Activating cool spaces
Visit one of our libraries during a declared heatwave and enjoy a number of free activities on the Heatwave Activity Table. These Activity Tables are suitable for primary school aged children.
Home Cooling Subsidy Scheme
Eligible residents can purchase home cooling products and receive reimbursement of up to $150. For more information, visit Low income subsidy scheme.
Keep cool packs
We have produced a number of Cool Packs for residents who are at increased risk of the impacts of high heat.
These packs will be handed out at community events and via established networks and channels. They will also be available for collection at our libraries
This project is funded by the Australian Government through the support of the WA State Emergency Management Committee.