The City of Rockingham is one of three local government pilot sites selected to participate in the Heat Vulnerability Projectopens in a new windowopens in a new window.
We are working in collaboration with the Western Australian Council of Social Service (WACOSS) to develop and implement a range of initiatives to support local residents who are at greater risk to the impacts of high heat.
Activating cool spaces
Visit one of our libraries during a declared heatwave and enjoy a number of free activities on the Heatwave Activity Table.
Please note: Warnbro Library air conditioning system is currently under maintenance.

Keep cool packs
We have produced a number of Cool Packs for residents who are at increased risk of the impacts of high heat.
These packs will be handed out at community events and via established networks and channels. They will also be available for collection at our libraries.

This project is funded by the Australian Government through the support of the WA State Emergency Management Committee.