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The way we display incidents has changed.
As of 15 July 2024, a new national approach to emergency information has been rolled out in Western Australia. The Australian Warning System (AWS)opens in a new windowopens in a new window aims to deliver consistent warnings, so no matter where you are in Australia, the emergency warning levels, colours and symbols are the same.
There are three warning levels:
Advice (Yellow): An incident has started. There is no immediate danger. Stay up to date in case the situation changes.
Watch and Act (Orange): There is a heightened level of threat. Conditions are changing and you need to start taking action now to protect you and your family.
Emergency Warning (Red): An Emergency Warning is the highest level of warning. You may be in danger and need to take action immediately. Any delay now puts your life at risk.
If you are in a bushfire risk area you need to stay informed and know what the Fire Danger Rating is for your area each day.
The Australian Fire Danger Rating System (AFDRS) provides consistent fire danger advice and includes four ratings:
Find the daily Fire Danger Rating for your areaopens in a new window
Note: Rockingham is listed under the Swan Coastal District