Annual Electors' Meeting

Staff and Council Members in a meeting.

Annual Electors' Meeting

The Annual Electors' Meeting for the 2023/2024 financial year will be held on Thursday 6 February 2025.

The Local Government Act 1995 states that a local government must hold:

  • An Annual Electors' General Meeting once every financial year.
  • An Electors' Special Meeting upon presentation of a petition signed by 300 electors; and

The Annual Electors’ Meeting is held at the City of Rockingham Administration Building in the Reception Room. The meeting will be recorded and livestreamed in accordance with Council Policy Recording and Streaming Council, Standing Committees and Annual Electors’ Meetings.

The purpose of the meeting is to:

  1. accept the City's Annual Report for the previous financial year; and
  2. give City of Rockingham electors the opportunity to raise any matter as General Business, including motions to be voted on by the electors of the City.

To view the agenda and supplementary meeting documents for the relevant meeting visit the Agenda and Minutes page. Agendas are available the Thursday before the relevant meeting.

Following the Annual Electors' Meeting, a report is prepared to confirm the minutes of the meeting and the outcomes. The motions carried at the Annual Electors’ meeting are considered at the next practicable Ordinary Council Meeting. The meeting recording is available via the City's website.

Public Questions/General Business at an Electors' Meeting

Electors and the general public have the opportunity to ask questions or raise statements during General Business relating to matters that affect the City of Rockingham at an Annual Electors' Meeting. Questions and statements will be limited to a maximum of three minutes. Any person who wishes to ask a question at the meeting must be present or have arranged a person to ask the question on their behalf, otherwise the questions will be responded to in the City's normal procedural manner and not recorded in the minutes of the meeting.  

It is encouraged that questions/general business are submitted as early as possible prior to the meeting, as this may allow time for a response to be provided at the meeting. Where a response to the question is unable to be provided, the question will be taken on notice and the question and response will be included in the next month's agenda.

To submit questions or general business items online please use the button below or alternatively questions/general business can be submitted via

Submit a Public Question

How to submit general motions at an Electors' Meeting

Electors' meetings are open to all members of the public, however only electors may move, second, speak to and vote on motions. 

Electors may raise any motion that is related to the responsibilities and functions of the City of Rockingham.

Any motions to be moved at the Annual Electors' Meeting are to be lodged in writing to the City by 5pm, two business days prior to the meeting.

Assistance on writing motions to Electors' Meetings can be viewed below.

To submit a general motion online please use the link below or alternatively motions can be submitted via

Submit a Notice of Motion

Information on how the Annual Electors' Meeting is conducted

The guidelines to be followed at Electors’ Meetings are determined by the Presiding Member, in accordance with regulation 18 of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, can be viewed below. 

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