Hazardous household substances


Disposal of hazardous items

Hazardous items stored around the home can be dangerous to people and the environment. Don't dispose of chemicals, dry cell batteries, lithium-ion batteries, vapes or flares in your bin as it is a fire risk to City staff, and please don't put chemicals down the drain because it can contaminate waterways or drinking water.

Household Hazardous Waste (HHW)

Supported by the Waste Authority, the Hazardous Household Waste program allows residents to dispose of chemicals for free at the Millar Road Landfill (quantity limits apply).

Please keep chemicals in their original container or label the new container clearly. This assists staff in handling the contents safely.

What we will accept

A maximum of 20kg or 20 litres per material of unwanted chemicals (per day):

  • aerosols
  • household chemicals, including cleaning, pool and garden chemicals
  • methylated spirits/turpentine
  • flares (up to 10)
  • dry cell batteries
  • lithium batteries
  • car batteries
  • smoke detectors
  • fire extinguishers (red only*)
  • pesticides
  • solvents
  • fluoro tubes and light fittings.
  • **vapes are not recyclable at this time**

*Halon fire extinguishers are identified by their yellow colouring. These are not collected through the HHW program at the landfill. Contact the National Halon Bank on 1800 658 084 for safe disposal options or visit the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water for more information.

The Waste Authority Household Hazardous Waste website provides information on identifying or handling chemicals.


EPIRB (not accepted)

Please do not dispose of EPIRB emergency distress beacons in your bins as they can activate and result in a false emergency call out. For disposal/disarming, please visit the Australian Maritime Safety Authority. Single EPIRBs can be dropped off at:

Battery World
2/95 Dixon Road
Telephone: 9529 4590

Paint disposal

The Millar Road Landfill is a Paintback collection point for decorative and architectural paints. Under the program both residential and commercial quantities are accepted free of charge to a maximum of 100 litres (maximum container size 20 litre) per visit.

For more information on what is accepted under the program visit the Paintback website. Some products not covered under this program may be covered by the Hazardous Household Waste program (above) in residential quantities.


Batteries, mobile phones, and printer cartridges

Battery Recycling

All batteries are classed as hazardous waste and must never be placed into your general red-lidded household bin or your yellow-lidded recycling bin for safety and environmental reasons. Separate recycling drop-off points are provided by the City.

When disposed through kerbside bins, batteries pose a serious danger of contamination and creating fires.

Dry cell household batteries - as these batteries contain several types of heavy metals, if they are not recycled these metals can end up polluting the environment, including our waterways. While a serious contaminant, these metals are also a scarce resource for many industries. Through recycling, these resources are recovered and reused in the production of new items, preventing them from becoming harmful to us and the environment.

Examples of dry cell household batteries: 

  • button batteries (used in watches and toys)
  • AA and AAA cells (single use and rechargeable)
  • C and D size batteries
  • 9V batteries (found in smoke alarms)
  • 6V batteries (used in torches and lanterns).

Lithium-ion batteries - there are several ways highly combustible lithium batteries can catch fire, including when they come in contact with moisture or are subject to pressure and mechanical damage. As that happens, batteries can ignite, causing fires within the bins, waste trucks and landfill facilities, posing a danger to everyone involved. Fires caused by lithium-ion batteries are persistent and intense, and if not controlled can reach temperatures of 400 degrees in a matter of seconds. 

The high efficiency of lithium-ion batteries is attributed to its technology containing liquid electrolytes. Although its useability makes it one of the most common battery types in Australia, when not treated or disposed of in safe ways, liquid electrolytes become a serious hazard.

Lithium-ion batteries are often an alternative to dry-cell batteries as they are a similar shape and size. Examples of where lithium-ion batteries are present include: 

  • personal devices such as mobile phones, tablets, laptops
  • household appliances and some power tools
  • personal transportation devices such as e-bikes and e-scooters
  • renewable energy storage systems.

How to store and prepare batteries for recycling

  • Always use a glass container to store used batteries. Ensure it is not airtight to prevent pressure from building up.
  • Use clear sticky tape to tape the terminals of used batteries – this will prevent them from sparking and catching fire.
  • Never use metal or wooden containers to store batteries as the batteries can spark and create a fire in your home or workplace.
  • Keep lithium-ion batteries separate from household batteries. 

For more useful details on battery safety please visit the B-cycle website.

To access a comprehensive list of lithium batteries and other household hazardous waste disposal points within Rockingham, visit Recycle Right.

Lithium-ion batteries can be dropped off for recycling at Millar Road Landfill, 204 Millar Road West, Baldivis.

Dry cell batteries, old mobile phones and printer cartridges can be dropped off at the following locations for free recycling:

  • City Administration building, Civic Boulevard, Rockingham
  • Millar Road Landfill, 204 Millar Road West, Baldivis
  • Mary Davies Library and Community Centre, Settlers Avenue, Baldivis
  • Rockingham Library, Dixon Road, Rockingham
  • Safety Bay Library, Safety Bay Road, Safety Bay
  • Warnbro Library, Swallowtail Parade, Warnbro

If you can’t see the recycling receptacle at these venues, please ask staff as it may be behind the counter.


The Millar Road Landfill no longer accepts e-waste free of charge (fees apply, subject to the acceptance of landfill staff). Please view the E-Waste Accepted and Not Accepted List below.

You can also visit the Recycling Near You website for the closest recycling drop off location for the recycling of your old e-waste under the National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme.

When purchasing a new item, ask the retailer if they will recycle your old television or computer and accessories.


Asbestos can be disposed of at the Millar Road Landfill following strict procedures, including correct wrapping and booking procedures. Incorrectly wrapped or asbestos not booked is not permitted on site.

Asbestos is accepted in wrapped or bagged form from domestic and commercial customers. Asbestos in bulk form (for example asbestos containing material or contaminated soils) are accepted from commercial customers only; please see Commercial Waste.

The following guidelines will assist you to correctly dispose of your commercial asbestos waste at the Millar Road Landfill Facility.  

  • Ensure the asbestos is separated from other material for disposal.
  • Double wrap the asbestos in heavy duty plastic (available from most hardware stores) and seal it with adhesive tape to prevent asbestos fibres from being released.
  • Label it with the words "CAUTION ASBESTOS" in letters not less than 50mm high (label available on site).
  • Asbestos must be hand unloaded by resident - Millar Road Landfill staff cannot offer assistance.
  • Asbestos cannot be accepted between 9am and 10am, or 12pm and 1pm.

Please read the information guides below before handling or disposing of asbestos.

All asbestos requests are required to be booked in a minimum of 24 hours prior to disposal and a booking number issued (commercial customers).

Contact the Millar Road Landfill on 9528 0333 (weekdays) or 9528 8550 (weekends) prior to disposal for important advice and to book or complete the online waste booking request form.

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