Network Outage - Mary Davies Library

Mary Davies Library and Community Centre is currently experiencing a network outage. The library is open to the community however there is no access to public computers or WiFi, and the telephone system is also not in operation. All other branch libraries remain operating as usual.

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Freedom of Information

Freedom of information papers

About FOI

We collect and hold a variety of information relating to the functions and business of the City. This information may be:

  • electronic or physical freely available online or for inspection, such as Council minutes;
  • held in private where supported by relevant legislation; and
  • available on request under the Freedom of Information Act.

The Freedom of Information Act 1992 has been created to provide for public access to documents, and to enable the public to ensure that personal information in documents is accurate, complete, up to date, and not misleading and for related purposes. All information about the Freedom of Information process and a summary about the City of Rockingham is available in our Information Statement.

The object of the Act is to:

  • enable the public to participate more effectively in governing the State; and
  • make the people and bodies that are responsible for State and local government more accountable to the public.

The Act does not apply to information that is:

  • available for purchase or free to the public;
  • available for inspection (whether for a fee or charge or not);
  • a State archive;
  • publicly available library material held by agencies for reference purposes; or
  • made or acquired by an art gallery, museum or library and preserved for public reference or exhibition purposes.

The City holds a variety of documents available for a fee including building and planning documents. 

Application information

How to apply

Freedom of Information requests must be made in writing with sufficient detail to enable the correct document(s) to be identified, or by downloading and completing the Freedom of Information Application Form.

Applications for access to, and amendment of personal information are free. Applications for access to non-personal information (a request that includes information about people other than you) must be accompanied by the $30 application fee.  Processing charges may also be applicable. 

By post

Administrative Officer – Governance and Councillor Support
City of Rockingham
PO Box 2142

In person

Customer Service Counter
Ground Floor
Administration Building
Civic Boulevard ROCKINGHAM


Phone payments

For payment over the phone by credit or debit card, please call us on 9528 0333 and please provide:

  • your name
  • your address
  • advise it is for a Freedom of Information Application
  • payment is for $30.

You must provide an Australian address for correspondence.

Proof of your identify may be required, e.g. current drivers’ licence. If you are seeking access to a document(s) on behalf of another person, we will require authorisation, usually in writing.

Your application will be dealt with as soon as practicable (but in any case, within 45 days) after it is received.

Fees and charges

The application fee of $30 for non-personal information must be paid in full. Fees cannot be waived or reduced.

Access to personal information relating only to the applicant is available free of charge. If the applicant finds that the information contained in a document is inaccurate, incomplete, out of date or misleading, then the person can apply to the City to amend the information.

For financially disadvantaged applicants or those issued with prescribed pensioner concession cards, the charge payable maybe reduced by 25%

A scale of fees and charges set under the FOI Act Regulations appears below. Fees cannot be waived or reduced. Apart from the application fee for non-personal information, all charges are discretionary. The charges are as follows:

  • Application fee: $30
  • Time taken by City employees dealing with application per hour or pro rata: $30
  • Access time supervised by City employees per hour or pro rata: $30
  • Photocopying charges, per hour or pro rata for City employees’ time: $30
    • per copy: $0.20
  • Time taken by City employees to transcribe information per hour or pro rata: $30
  • Charge for duplicating a tape, film or computer data: Actual cost
  • Packaging and postal costs: Actual cost


25% - Advance deposit which may be required by an agency under Section 18(a) of the Act, expressed as a percentage of the estimated charges which will be payable in excess of the application fee.

75% - Further advance deposit which may be required by an agency under Section 18(4) of the Act, expressed as a percentage of the estimated charges which will be payable in excess of the application fee.

Notice of decision

If you make an FOI application, we will provide you with a written 'Notice of Decision' outlining our decision and the reasons for that decision.  

We will endeavour to reply to you as soon as possible, or in any event by the 45 calendar day deadline.  You can assist us in expediting your request by ensuring that it is specific and not so large in scope that additional liaison and resources are required to deal with it within the statutory timeframe.

Decision review

The Freedom of Information Act 1992 provides for a review and appeal process. You may seek an Internal Review or if you are still not satisfied, a review by the Information Commissioner and still further, you can appeal to the Supreme Court.

The Internal Review

  • If you are dissatisfied by a decision that we make concerning your application then you can apply to us for an internal review of this decision. To apply for an internal review you must put your request in writing and lodge it with the City within 30 days of being notified of the original decision. There is no charge for an internal review. We will respond to you within 15 days from your internal review application.

External Review by the Information Commissioner

  • If you are still dissatisfied after the internal review has been completed, you may seek a review by the Information Commissioner. This request must be made in writing within 60 days of the original decision to the Information Commissioner giving details of the decision to which your complaint relates.
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