Where can I volunteer in my community?

Person giving two people a ride outdoors in a trishaw bicycle.

Where can I volunteer in my community? 

Community members can volunteer their time in a wide variety of organisations, across many different areas of interest, with varying levels of experience and time frames. You can even work from home via the internet in some cases. These opportunities could include:

  • fundraising, events, marketing, administration or committees
  • programs and services for older people, young people or for people with disability
  • positions in the arts, culture, leisure, sport and recreation areas
  • working with animals or the environment
  • website design, strategic planning, mentoring, advocacy.

Some of the volunteering opportunities at the City of Rockingham include Rockingham Connect Community Transport Services, Neighbours Unite, Toy Library, Autumn Centre, Rockingham Arts Centre or even the Rockingham Volunteer Centre.

If you are interested in a position in the wider community, the Rockingham Volunteer Centre has information on positions in hundreds of different not-for-profit, community organisations.

Alternatively you can search online for volunteer positions through Volunteering WA.


Volunteer with the City of Rockingham

Two volunteers in City uniform at the Teddy Bears Picnic.The City has several volunteer roles available and by becoming a City volunteer, you will make a difference in your community.

We provide all the training you will need to be successful in your role, we will reimburse your volunteer-related costs and we do provide insurance cover. You will also have a chance to meet new people, learn new skills and partake in a range of recognition and appreciation initiatives.

Some of the positions on offer include:

  • Community events: Seniors and Carers Expo, Castaways Sculpture Awards, and Teddy Bears' Picnic
  • Rockingham Volunteer Centre: Volunteer Referral Officers
  • Autumn Centre: Café Assistant, Kitchen Assistant, Member Desk Volunteer
  • Libraries: Toy Library, Homebound Service
  • Neighbours Unite: Community Safety Promotion
  • Rockingham Connect Community Transport Service: Volunteer Drivers, Transport Assistants
  • Rockingham Arts Centre: Gallery Attendants.

How to apply? 

To volunteer for the City, you will need to complete a Volunteer Expression of Interest Form which will provide City officers with basic information such as your interest, experience and availability.

Once the City receives your EOI, you will be invited to a Meet and Greet with a Volunteer Supervisor and a Community Development Officer (Volunteers). During the meeting, you will be asked to complete and sign additional documents as included in the Volunteer Handbook, agree to a National Volunteer Police Check (the City pays for this check on your behalf) and discuss potential roles in detail.

If you need a bit more assistance, please let us know how we can assist and feel free to invite a friend or a family member to the meeting.

For more information, please feel free to review the below documents or call the City on 9528 0333 or email customer@rockingham.wa.gov.au.

If you would like to explore roles within the wider community, please contact the Rockingham Volunteer Centre.

Rockingham Volunteer Centre

RVC logo.About the centre

The Rockingham Volunteer Centre (RVC) is the hub for volunteering in Rockingham. The centre finds and links people to local organisations seeking volunteers, and also promotes the benefits of volunteering.

The RVC provides:

  • a free referral service to enquiring volunteers
  • a free support resource to volunteer involving organisations in the City of Rockingham.

Community members

If you would like to know more about current volunteer opportunities please contact us on 9528 8670 or email volunteering@rockingham.wa.gov.au.  Appointments are available with one of our trained Volunteer Referral Officers at the Rockingham Volunteer Centre, which is located within the Rockingham Library on Dixon Road. The RVC is open:

  • Mondays and Tuesdays: 9.30am – 2.30pm
  • Wednesdays and Thursdays: 1pm – 6pm
  • Fridays: closed.

You can also fill out the Volunteer Referral Form prior to your appointment.

Alternatively, you may wish to visit SEEK Volunteer to view and apply for the positions currently available.

Organisations/Community Groups/Volunteer Involving Organisations

We provide a free service to local volunteer involving organisations by making it easier to attract and manage volunteers. This includes:

  • online listing for your volunteer positions
  • referral of potential volunteers and promotion of volunteer positions in the community
  • training opportunities
  • Volunteer Management Support
  • networking opportunities
  • access to the City’s Corporate Volunteer Program.

If you would like to become an RVC Member, please contact us on 9528 8670 or email volunteering@rockingham.wa.gov.au.

Alternatively you can fill out the Rockingham Volunteer Centre Membership Package and Volunteer Position Form.

We are available to assist with all volunteer-related matters and would welcome the opportunity to visit your organisation to discuss membership and how we can best support you and your volunteer program.

Latest volunteer opportunities

Ed Connect – Volunteers helping students thrive

No specific experience is needed to be an outstanding EdConnect volunteer. From one-to-one or small group mentoring to literacy or numeracy support within a classroom; from volunteering in a school garden, the library or at the canteen to assisting with sports or other school-based activities, like Breakfast Club; you have the skills and life-experience that are highly valued by schools, and which make a difference to students, each and every day.

EdConnect’s training will help prepare you for your volunteer role. EdConnect’s team is there to help make sure your EdConnect volunteering is rewarding, impactful and memorable. During the year, EdConnect’s ConnectEd initiatives provide online and in-person events to attend, from local coffee catch-ups, refresher training and workshops to more formal functions - all a great way to connect with like-minded people, changing lives like you, with other students in other schools.

Silver Chain Social Centre Volunteer

Silver Chain's Social Centres provide a supportive place for clients to connect with others and engage in activities for their health and wellbeing. It also gives carers an opportunity to take time to focus on their needs while knowing that their loved ones are well looked after.

Work with the dedicated care team at one of the Social Centres to deliver a range of meaningful activities for clients. Activities you may do with your client or support your client with include:

  • music, arts and crafts sessions
  • completing puzzles and board games
  • gardening
  • meal preparation
  • social outings in the community.

In the process you will have the opportunity to share your interests with your clients and help them work towards their goals, such as starting a new hobby.

Nursery Hand – Native Plants WA

Native Plants WA has a variety of roles from plant care and maintenance to propagation, nursery organisation and joining in special projects such as habitat restoration and fundraising events. The nursery also holds a number of plant sale events throughout the year. 

The hours, days and duties are up to you!

Fishing Volunteer – Fishability

Are you friendly, love fishing or being by the water and have a strong desire to help others?  Fishability is looking for volunteers who enjoy helping others to develop independence and experience the excitement of catching a fish. Experience with fishing is not necessary, but all volunteers must have a positive, friendly and empathetic nature.

Fishability is a not-for-profit volunteer association providing fishing opportunities for people with disabilities in the WA community. Volunteers assist to set up gear, in baiting and casting a line and catch care. Specialised gear such as electric reels are available for those who need them.  Previous experience working within the disability sector would be helpful, but not necessary.

For more information, please contact the Rockingham Volunteer Centre on 9528 8670 or email volunteering@rockingham.wa.gov.au.

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