Network Outage - Mary Davies Library

Mary Davies Library and Community Centre is currently experiencing a network outage. The library is open to the community however there is no access to public computers or WiFi, and the telephone system is also not in operation. All other branch libraries remain operating as usual.

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Low income subsidy scheme

Subsidy scheme options

We have four subsidy schemes to offer residents on low-income pensioner or concession cards to feel safer, more secure and connected.

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Subsidy SchemeDescriptionAgeIdentity document evidence required

Assistance for adults to make their homes safer. Up to $150 available per household, per financial year.

18+Health Care Concession Card (including Veterans' Affairs), Pensioner Concession Card
Home Cooling*

Assistance for adults to make their homes cooler. Up to $150 available per household, per financial year.

*The City is no longer accepting Home Cooling applications for the 2024/2025 financial year as of 10/1/25. This is because the allocated budget for the program has been exhausted.

18+Health Care Concession Card (including Veteran's Affairs), Pensioner Concession Card
Home Modification or Assistive EquipmentAssistance for seniors to manage everyday tasks and remain longer in their own home. Up to $150 available per person, per financial year.60+

Pensioner Concession Card, Health Care Concession Card or Veterans’ Affairs Card

Information TechnologyAssistance for seniors to become more connected with friends, family, resources and information. Up to $150 available per person, per financial year.60+Pensioner Concession Card, Health Care Concession Card or Veterans’ Affairs Card

Note: A Seniors Card or Smartrider does not constitute acceptable proof. Applications will not be processed until valid proof has been received.

The City provides no guarantee that all eligible applicants will receive a rebate.


Residents on low-income, pension or concession, living within the City of Rockingham boundaries can apply; however, age restrictions apply to two schemes.

To be eligible for a subsidy, the following items are required:

  • ​a tax invoice displaying a zero balance ($0.00) i.e. it has been paid in full
  • the tax invoice must state the item/s purchased; EFTPOS receipts alone will not be accepted
  • should your tax invoice list your name and address, these details must match the details of the applicant
  • it should be noted that a quote does not constitute a tax invoice
  • ​valid bank account details (BSB, account number and signature)
  • a photocopy of the front and back of a valid Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card.

Applications must be lodged within four months following the date of the tax invoice/receipt.

For home modification or fixture installation applications and where the applicant is not the home owner, written permission is required from the home owner/landlord/property manager in the relevant space provided on the application form.

How often can I apply?

Eligible applicants can apply for up to $150 from each scheme every financial year. The Safety Scheme and the Home Cooling Scheme* is only available once per household, per financial year.

*The City is no longer accepting Home Cooling Scheme applications for the 2024/2025 financial year as of 10/1/25. This is because the allocated budget for the program has been exhausted.

When can I submit my application?

Applications are accepted at any time of year and will be processed within 30 days of the application being received, except applications received in June which will be finalised within 60 days of the application being received.

The date the application is received determines which financial year the claim is made. For example, an application received on 28 June may not be processed until August, however will still constitute a claim for the previous financial year. Similarly, applications received after 1 July cannot be claimed from the previous financial year, regardless of the purchase date.

Rebates for successful applications will be directly deposited into your bank account. We have strict policies and procedures in place to ensure that your bank and personal details are kept secure.

How to apply?

Please refer to the Subsidy Scheme Eligible and Ineligible Items document for a list of items that can be applied for under each scheme. Contact us on or 9528 0333opens in a new windowopens in a new window if you are unsure if an item not listed can be applied for.

Applications are available by phone and email request, or can be downloaded below.  Please print off the form and ensure it is signed, then return it together with your bank details, supporting documentation and original tax invoice via email to ​ or via mail to PO Box 2142 Rockingham DC WA 6967.

Please note the City is no longer accepting Home Cooling Scheme applications for the 2024/2025 financial year as of 10/1/25. This is because the allocated budget for the program has been exhausted.

Safe & Found - ID Bracelet

Safe & Found WA is an initiative introduced by the WA Police and the Australia Medic Alert Foundation. Safe & Found supports local residents living with dementia, autism or cognitive impairment who may be at risk of getting lost or reported as missing.  

A Safety Subsidy Scheme application may be submitted by eligible residents to cover the cost of the initial subscription ($99).  The ongoing annual fee of $49 is not eligible for a claim under the Safety Subsidy Scheme guidelines.

One claim per property, per financial year may be made with an application, lodged within four months of the date of the tax invoice.

 For enquiries or further information regarding the Safety Subsidy Scheme, please contact the City at

Purchasing equipment

There are many places where you can purchase assistive equipment or receive advice about where to purchase it from, including the Independent Living Centre and Technology for Ageing and Disability WA (TADWA).

​The City does not recommend any supplier for installation. Local safety/security device suppliers/installers can be found in the Local Link (RMK Directoryopens in a new windowopens in a new window) or local newspapers.  For the purchase of assistive equipment or advice about purchasing, contact Indigoopens in a new windowopens in a new window, Technology for Ageing and Disability WAopens in a new windowopens in a new window (TADWA), or you can source other information online.  

For more information about the Subsidy Scheme contact us via email on or phone 9528 0333opens in a new windowopens in a new window.

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