Local Planning Strategy

City logo and graphic of future town site and amenities

Rockingham: Our City, Our Future

We have prepared a new draft Local Planning Strategy (LPS) based on commissioned research and community feedback to guide the growth and development of our City for the next 15 years and beyond, as well as protecting what the community values most. A LPS is an important planning document that assists the community in understanding of the future land use and broader direction of the City. 

The City is committed to enabling residents the opportunity to participate and engage in the consultation process. The LPS builds on the shared vision of a thriving and connected community that offers a modern lifestyle balanced with an abundance of environmental assets.

Keep updated

You can receive updates on this process by creating your own account on Rock Port, the City’s secure online portal. Once registered, you can opt in to the topic of interest category Local Planning Strategy (LPS) via the My Profile page.

Register for updates


Project update

  • On 24 August 2021 Council adopted the scheme review process which reviewed the existing Town Planning scheme.  This will result in a new Local Planning Scheme (LPS 4) and Local Planning Strategy.
  • The City held three community workshops in October 2021 as well as conducting a community survey. The feedback from the workshop sessions and community survey will be collated to identify key themes and outcomes to progress the Local Planning Strategy.
  • On 25 January 2022 the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) informed that it agreed with the recommendations of the Scheme Review Report. A copy of the Scheme Review Report and the WAPC decision is available in the downloads section below.
  • On 27 January 2022 the City appointed Hames Sharley to assist in reviewing the existing planning scheme. The planning consultant will conduct public consultation sessions and create a new Local Planning Scheme and Local Planning Strategy.
  • On 11 August 2022 the City launched a community consultation program and invited the community to have their say at a workshop, complete a survey or contribute to the online mapping tool.
  • On 28 February 2023 Council revoked Planning Policy 3.1.2 - Local Commercial Strategy and adopted the revised Local Planning Policy 3.1.2 - Local Commercial and Activity Centres Strategy. The revised Planning Policy is available in the downloads section below. 
  • On 26 April 2023 Council resolved to adopt the Planning Strategy - Environmental Protection.  Council also endorsed the draft Local Planning Strategy for the purpose of public advertising for a recommended period of 60 days. The draft Local Planning Strategy will now be reviewed by the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH) to ensure it is broadly consistent with State policies and guidelines, prior to submitting it to the WAPC. The WAPC will then determine whether the draft Local Planning Strategy is in a suitable form for public advertising.
  • On 21 November 2023, the WAPC granted certification to advertise the draft Local Planning Strategy to the community as per Clause 12, Part 3, of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015.  It is anticipated advertising will form part of a broader community consultation program which will commence in February 2024.
  • Formal advertising of the Draft Local Planning Strategy occurred between 29 January 2024 - 28 March 2024. 
  • At its Ordinary meeting held on 28 August 2024, Council considered community feedback and resolved to approve the Local Planning Strategy, subject to modifications, and forward the documentation to the WAPC for endorsement.
  • The DPLH is currently reviewing the documentation, for consideration and endorsement by the WAPC.


Stages for a Local Planning Strategy

  1. Initial research - complete
  2. Preliminary Community Engagement - complete
  3. Preparation of Draft Local Planning Studies - complete
  4. Council and WAPC consent to advertise - complete
  5. Public advertising - complete
  6. Review and modification of Draft Local Planning Strategy - complete
  7. Council consideration and endorsement - complete
  8. WAPC consideration and endorsement - underway

Steps for Town Planning Scheme 4

  1. Initial research and review - complete
  2. Preliminary Community and Stakeholder Engagement - complete
  3. Preparation of Town Planning Scheme No.4 - underway
  4. Public consultation
  5. Preparation of the final Town Planning Scheme No.4
  6. Council and WAPC endorsement

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions will be updated as the project progresses.

Why does the City need a Local Planning Strategy?

A Local Planning Strategy is an essential component for the preparation of a Town Planning Scheme. It details the background and rationale for proposed zones, and density and land use controls introduced as part of a new planning scheme. It is also a State planning requirement that each local government in Western Australia has a Town Planning Scheme and a Local Planning Strategy.

Local governments are required to review their Town Planning Schemes every five years. The City’s current Town Planning Scheme No.2 was released in 2004 and has been amended and updated numerous times. A new Town Planning Scheme will represent a comprehensive review of the current scheme, and bring it into line with contemporary planning regulations.

How will the Local Planning Strategy affect my property?

A Local Planning Strategy does not specify changes to individual properties. The strategy will set out the City’s objectives for future planning and development and includes a broad framework by which to pursue those objectives. The strategy will address the social, environmental, resource management and economic factors that affect land use and development.

The recommendations of the strategy inform the development of a revised Town Planning Scheme, which will provide more detailed planning and development guidance at an individual property level.

How can the community influence the preparation of the draft Local Planning Strategy?

Previous community and stakeholder consultation has uncovered the values and perception of various planning issues. As community values change it is important to re-test ideas, identifying any gaps or new emerging ideas and invite feedback from the community and other stakeholders.

During the initial planning stages the City ran an extensive program of community engagement which included community workshops, social media campaigns, mail outs, and a community survey. The Draft LPS has now been endorsed for public advertising by the WA Planning Commission and we have sought feedback from the community on this document. 

When will the Local Planning Strategy be completed?

The Local Planning Strategy is currently being considered by the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage.  Endorsement by the Western Australian Planning Commission is expected during the first half of 2025.


How can I participate?

You can participate in a number of ways:


Register your email address via Rock Port to receive updates on the Local Planning Strategy or email the City at customer@rockingham.wa.gov.au. Once registered in Rock Port, you can opt in to the topic of interest category Local Planning Strategy (LPS) via the My Profile page.


You can share your thoughts via the online form on Rock Port.

Talk to us

City staff and Councillors want to hear your thoughts and suggestions.

Send us an email, call, write to us, make an appointment and come in for a chat. 

Call us

Ask to speak to a member of the Strategic Planning Team on 9528 0333.

Write to us

Mail your response to: City of Rockingham Planning Services, PO Box 2142, Rockingham DC 6967 WA

Visit us

Visit the City’s Administration Office at Civic Boulevard, Rockingham and ask to speak to a member of our Strategic Planning team.

All feedback will be reviewed, and will inform the draft Local Planning Strategy prior to it being submitted to Council and the Western Australian Planning Commission.

The City values and respects your privacy so your personal details will not be shared with others or published, if requested.

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