Anniversary Park is an active sports reserve located adjacent to Council Avenue, Hefron Street and Kitson Street in Rockingham. The reserve caters for sub-district sporting competitions and training, passive sport and recreation activities, and community meeting spaces.
Anniversary Park has a strong AFL focus, being home to the Rockingham Rams Football and Sporting Club, and includes two playing fields (inner fenced reserve and an outer field/reserve), a club facility, change rooms, Men’s Shed, Rage Cage, playground and parking areas.
The Coastal North Sub District Sporting Infrastructure Assessment and Anniversary Park Master Plan 2015 identified the need to redevelop the current facility to meet the current needs of the community including the provision of gender equitable facilities. The project is identified in the City's Community Infrastructure Plan.
Clubroom Redevelopment and Changeroom Facility
The Anniversary Park Clubroom redevelopment project will include a upgrade to the existing clubroom and construction of new changeroom facility.
The City engaged MODE Design Pty Ltd in August 2024 to develop the concept plan and detailed design for the clubroom and changeroom facilities.
Master Plan
The Anniversary Park Clubroom Master Plan was completed by the Otium Planning Group in September 2023.
The first phase of the Master Plan will be to confirm the primary need for the facility development based on current and proposed use. The reserve/site investigations will give the appointed consultant a comprehensive understanding of the site in order to allow for any requirements or restrictions throughout the master planning process.
The next phase of the Master Plan will be external stakeholder engagement to gain an understanding on how the clubroom facility and reserve is currently used, what issues need addressing, and improvements to meet current and long term needs with regards to facility management.
The needs assessment and site investigations will inform what may or may not be possible on site with implementation timeframes and estimate the costs for proposed improvements, together with a concept building plan.