Once you have chosen a business address, please confirm the site's zoning using the City's Online Maps. Zoning can be identified using the Planning and Development Module.
Once a site has been selected, locate 'TPS2 Zoning' in the column on the right-hand side of the screen to identify the zone.
The preferred land zone for Holiday Houses and Bed and Breakfast Accommodation include the following:
- Residential
- Development
- Rural
City of Rockingham online mapping
A Development Application is required before any type of Holiday House or Bed and Breakfast can start operating.
Please note, that as part of the Development Approval process, the proposal will be publicly advertised and subject to submissions. The cost of advertising will be at the applicant's expense.
Please read the below documents and complete (as necessary) prior to applying for Development Approval through our online portal, Rock Port.
Lodge a Development Application
The Building Regulations 2012 require an owner to ensure that they have compliant smoke alarms installed prior to the sale, leasing or hiring of their dwelling. Smoke alarms needs to be hardwired (by a licenced electrician), be less than 10 years old and be interconnected. In some circumstances you may be able to have battery-powered smoke alarms and it is recommended that you contact the City's Building Services to discuss this further on 9528 0333.
If your dwelling is being used as a Bed and Breakfast or Holiday House, additional requirements may apply for smoke alarms as well as a requirement to install emergency lighting to assist with evacuation.
For further information please contact Building Services or submit your small business enquiry here.
An application to Health Services is required where short term accommodation is being offered and food is provided as part of this service.
Bed and Breakfasts
Bed and Breakfasts must comply with the provisions of the Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1911 and the Food Act 2008, which includes the following requirements:
- separate shower, toilet and hand basin to be provided where practical;
- room sizes to be adequate – generally require a space of 14m3 per person, which does not include space occupied by furniture;
- hygiene standard of premises to be acceptable before approval given;
- an adequate number of receptacles to be available for the waste generated;
- food preparation areas to comply with “Guidelines for the Preparation of Foods in Residential Premises for Bed and Breakfast”;
- Food Act 2008 - Application for a Registration / Notification of a Food Business Form to be completed;
- Application for Registration as a Bed and Breakfast Form to be completed.
Please note:
- If there is a pool or spa on the property, approval from the Chief Health Officer at the Department of Health (WA) is required under the Health (Aquatic Facilities) Regulations 2007 before guests are able to utilise these facilities. Please refer to the Department of Health website.
- If the dwelling is serviced by an onsite wastewater disposal system (e.g. septic tanks), upgrading to current standards may be required.
Building Services requirements
Bed and Breakfasts will also need to ensure compliance with Building Regulations and the following is required:
- A smoke alarm and lighting system that complies with clause and, Volume 2 of the Building Code of Australia 2005 to be installed.
- Certificate of Electrical Compliance required to be completed by licensed electrician in regards to the above works.
- Fire extinguishers and fire blankets shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Manager Health and Building Services.
Prior to commencing operation, an inspection will need to be undertaken to ensure the premises meets the required standards. When you are ready to commence operations, please contact Health Services on 9528 0333 or via email to customer@rockingham.wa.gov.au to arrange for this inspection – please allow 48 hours for the inspection to be scheduled.
Ongoing routine inspections will be conducted once the business is operational to ensure that suitable standards are maintained.