The Stan Twight Clubroom redevelopment will include a new clubroom redevelopment and changeroom facility.
The City engaged Site Architecture to develop the concept plan and detailed design for the clubroom and changeroom facilities. Below is Site Architecture's artist impression of the proposed clubroom facility.
Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries - Community Sport and Recreation Facilities Fund (CSRFF)
This project is supported by the State Government, through the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries, which is a major supporter of community sport and recreation facilities in Western Australia.
Sport and recreation builds stronger, healthier, happier and safer communities.
When we play sport, our whole community wins.
Australian Football Facilities Fund - Western Australian Football Commission
This project is supported by the Australian Footbal Facialities Fund, and approved as part of the WA Football Faciltiies Fund, as enhancing facility elements critically to growing and sustaining participation in football.
Support the provision of well positioned, welcoming, accessible, fit for purpose football faciltiies that assists football's strategic priorities.
Australian Cricket Infrastructure Fund - Cricket Australia
The City received funding support through the Australian Cricket Infrastructure Fund (ACIF). The ACIF is a joint initiative between WA Cricket and Cricket Australia to support the ongoing development of community cricket facilities. This will support the delivery of cricket-related infrastructure at the Stan Twight Reserve.