A row of food trucks at community event.

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Mobile businesses (such as food trucks, dog grooming services or trades) do not require Development Approval or a Building Permit provided the following:

  • No clients or customers are to travel to or from the business owner's residential dwelling;
  • The business owner's residential dwelling is only permitted to be used for administration purposes, such as book work and phone calls associated with the business (home office); and
  • No structures or changes to the external facade of the dwelling are required.

A mobile-based home business will still require Health Approvals. Please see further information below.

Starting your small business

Mobile Food Businesses
  • Food vehicles and trailers

    All food vehicles and trailers are required to comply with the Food Act 2008 and Food Safety Standards. Food vehicles and trailers housed within the City must be registered before they can commence operations.

    Applications to register a food vehicle or trailer must be accompanied by:

    • a copy of your menu or a list of the foods you are proposing to sell;
    • a floor plan showing details such as the location and types of equipment to be used, the hand wash basin and utensil washing sink/s, and the surface finishes;
    • location of any additional food storage areas that you may be using at your residence; 
    • size and location of water and wastewater tanks and proposed method of wastewater disposal; and
    • information on how foods are to be transported under temperature control.

    Food vehicles must also be licensed to ‘trade’ within the City. There are restrictions on the areas that food vehicles can operate. For further information please refer to the information for street trading and markets or contact us on 9528 0333.

  • Food vehicles and trailers housed within the City are inspected prior to issuing the Certificate of Registration of a food business to ensure the vehicle set up is suitable for the production of safe food.

    Food vehicles and trailers are also subject to routine inspections at the premises where they are housed and may also be inspected when operating at local events or markets.


    Food safety training and information

Mobile Hairdressing
  • Applications are to be made to Health Services to conduct a mobile hairdressing business.

    Applications for mobile hairdressing services must be accompanied with the following information:

    • how clean/dirty equipment is to be stored and transported; and
    • cleaning and disinfection facilities and procedures.

    Additional information is available on the Department of Health website.

  • Generally, routine inspections of mobile hairdressing businesses are not conducted by Health Services.

Other mobile businesses
  • All mobile commercial pest management businesses (including vehicles and chemical storage facilities) are required to be registered with the Western Australia Department of Health (DOH).  Information on how to register, fees and requirements are available on the Department of Health website.


    Inspection of a mobile pest management business can be undertaken by Health Services to assist in applications for a licence to the Department of Health. Please allow for a timeframe of up to five days for the scheduling of these inspections.

  • An application to Health Services for a mobile pet grooming businesses is not required.  However the following conditions must be met:

    • All wastewater generated during operation of the business must be discharged to sewer.  Wastewater cannot be discharged to the environment (stormwater soakage pits, gardens, gullies, drains etc);
    • Animal waste is to be contained and disposed of in a manner that does not cause a health nuisance; and
    • Any noise generated by business operations is to comply with the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997.
  • An application to Health Services is not required for mobile mechanical servicing or cleaning businesses. However, it is the responsibility of operators to ensure that pollution to the environment (land, air and water) does not result from the business activities.

    Businesses should take the following precautions when undertaking works:

    • Where practicable, vehicle servicing should be undertaken on a flat impermeable surface, ideally in a weatherproof, covered area if rain is likely;
    • Suitably sized spill mats or drip trays should be placed under the vehicle to capture any fluids;
    • A portable spill kit should be maintained in the vehicle to enable any spills to be adequately contained and cleaned; and
    • Disposal of solid and liquid wastes should be undertaken at an approved recycling or disposal site.
  • Changes to legislation have meant that hairdressing and barber activities are no longer required to be registered or routinely inspected by the City’s Health Services.

    Hairdressing and barber operators are now captured by the general public health duty of the Public Health Act 2016, and must take all reasonable and practicable steps to prevent or minimise any harm to public health that might foreseeably result from anything done or omitted to be done by a person.

    The Department of Health has released a Guideline for the management of public health risks associated with the hairdressing and barber industry which aims to:

    • Provide practical advice to assist the hairdressing industry to meet their obligations under the general public health duty specified in Part 3 of the Public Health Act 2016; and
    • Promote a high standard of hygiene and infection prevention and control to ensure hairdressing services prevent the spread of blood-borne viruses and other infections to their clients.

    While the City’s Health Services will no longer conduct routine inspections of hairdressing or barber premises, it will respond to any public complaints received and take any action as necessary under the Act.

    The Public Health Act 2016 can be viewed on the Department of Justice website.

Open your Business

As a new and developing business there are a number of useful resources and information available intended to provide additional support and guidance.

Small Business Development Corporation

The Small Business Development Corporation is an independent statutory authority with its mission to deliver and facilitate relevant, practical support to small businesses and to foster the development of policy conducive to the growth of the small business sector. The Small Business Development Corporation is working towards creating a strong and enterprising small business sector in Western Australia.

Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of WA is a member-driven organisation providing quality information, professional services and support for businesses. Its mission is to make it easier to do business in the state and ensure that WA is a place where businesses of all shapes and sizes can succeed.

Australian Government

Business.gov.au is an online Australian Government resource which provides a wide range of business information and assistance with regard to starting a business, running a business or exiting a business. This site also offers grants and assistance for business owners at all stages of their business timeline.

Australian Business License and Information Service

The Australian Business License and Information Service helps business operators and people considering starting a business to identify the types of licenses, permits, approvals, regulations and codes of practice required or in place for the relevant state, territory, local and Australian government.


Submit an enquiry

If you still have any queries or questions on your small business proposal, or you have a proposal plan that you would like to discuss further, please submit your enquiry or indicative proposal to us.

Submit an enquiry or indicative proposal

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