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A redevelopment of the Millar Road Landfill Facility is required to ensure the facility complies with the latest industry requirements.
The Millar Road Landfill Facility will be undergoing a comprehensive redevelopment over the next few years. The Millar Road Landfill Redevelopment Project is aligned with the objectives of both the City of Rockingham Waste Plan and the State Government's Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2030.
The redevelopment will consist of five stages, with the first stage being the construction of a new commercial haul road. The new road will provide greater separation between commercial and residential vehicles. During this stage the recycle yard will be moved to a different location on site and the Reuse Shop will be closed.
Further stages will include a new recycling drop-off area, a new transfer station and a new green waste disposal area.
The project will look to improve:
The Reuse Shop permanently closed on Sunday 25 August in preparation for the stage 1 redevelopment of the Millar Road Landfill Facility. Thank you to our loyal customers for your support over the years. You can still drop off recyclable items at the landfill from 7.30am - 4pm, seven days a week (closed Christmas Day and Good Friday).