Intersection Treatment - Bayeux Avenue/Grand Ocean Boulevard, Port Kennedy


We're inviting comment on the road proposal options to resolve the required layout and traffic control requirement for the intersection at Bayeux Avenue and Grand Ocean Boulevard in Port Kennedy.  Upgrade of the intersection is required as a result of the Kennedy Bay development, which will connect through to Bayeux Avenue.

A total of six initial options were the subject of preliminary assessment, which identified two viable options for consideration.  The six initial options are outlined within the PJAs Technical Note - Bayeux Avenue Intersection Report (attached below).

Description of the Proposal Options

The proposed Intersection Treatment Options presented are:

  • Option 1: Raised platform at the intersection of Grand Ocean Boulevard and Bayeux Avenue

  • Option 2: 7 m roundabout at the intersection of Grand Ocean Boulevard and Bayeux Avenue

Both options may require a 3 m widening of the Bayeux Avenue road reserve, encroaching into Bayeux Reserve, to accommodate the preferred road configuration under State policy. Further details on the proposals are provided below:

Option 1: Raised Platform

Raised Safety Platforms (RSPs) are elevated sections of road that aim to reduce vehicle speeds on the approach to areas of higher risk, such as intersections. RSPs are like speed humps, but having a much gentler gradient (ramp slope) means they can be safely used in higher speed environments.

The raised platform is the least disruptive option in terms of physical construction and according to the traffic report, performs as well as the roundabout design in terms of facilitating vehicle movement through the interaction

Option 2: 7 m Roundabout

The proposed roundabout is required to be consistent with the Aus Road Guidelines, providing a minimum 7 m radius with deflections to slow traffic movement.

A roundabout would take up additional space, encroaching upon the corner of Bayeux Reserve and requiring the relocation of services at that location. A roundabout may also impact upon access to adjacent properties.

Bayeux Avenue Road Widening

It is estimated approximately 6,000 vehicles per day will travel north from the Kennedy Bay Structure Plan and use the Bayeux Avenue and Grand Ocean Boulevard intersection by 2041. As outlined in the State’s Liveable Neighbourhoods Policy, a ‘Neighbourhood Connector A’ profile is recommended consistent with the road profile proposed for the Neighbourhood Connector A/B Hybrid Typical Cross Section (17 m).

The widening of the Bayeux Avenue road profile is still under consideration and comments are sought as part of the Road Treatment Proposal. The current road reserve width of Bayeux Avenue has a 14 m wide road reserve with a 7 m carriageway, allowing for 3.5 m lanes in each direction.

Widening of the Bayeux Avenue road reserve to 17 m would require the removal of the majority, if not all, the trees on the northern side of Bayeux Reserve.

Share your thoughts

We invite you to provide your comments on this proposal:

Submissions close 4.30pm on Monday 17 February 2025.

Please note any written submission received in response to this invitation, including the address of the party that made the submission, will be placed on the public record and be available for inspection.

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