TWe have received an application seeking Development Approval for the relocation of the Baldivis Community Garden to Lot 700 (No. 1791) Mandurah Road, Karnup. The Rockingham Montessori School purchased the land some year ago and will continue use the site to hold various events and functions under the Munja Gardens ‘Reception Centre’ Non-Conforming Use approval granted in 1997.
The Baldivis Community Garden propose to use a portion of the site to undertake the following activities:
- Accommodate no more than 25 people for events and will typically be operated by 1-5 people on site at any one time
- Rockingham Montessori School may take students to the site infrequently
- the community garden is proposed to be accessible from 6am-6pm, seven days a week
The Rockingham Montessori School will use the remainder of the site, under the ‘Reception Centre’ approval, for the following:
- Host meetings for community groups or organisations, consistent with the booking of a community hall or similar
- host commercial events or training
- accommodate up to 150 persons with a maximum average of 130 persons
- to be used intermittently for organised events between the hours of 7am-9pm Monday to Saturday, 9am-7pm Sundays and Public Holidays.
Plans and information pertaining to the proposal are listed below.