Read Street Intersection Upgrades - Design Phase

  • Infrastructure projects
  • Planning and design

Project summary

We are proposing to upgrade this traffic hotspot to improve safety for both motorists and pedestrians. Submissions of input closed on 7 October 2022 for the project (except the Read Street/Robinson Road intersection) and on 7 March 2023 for the Read Street/Robinson Road intersection. The majority of the feedback received was in support of the project. The anticipated date for construction is the 2024/2025 financial year.


We are proposing to upgrade a number of intersections along Read Street between Patterson Road and Chalgrove Avenue in the 2024/2025 financial year to improve safety and efficiency of the City's road network. 

The proposed upgrades have been designed after taking into consideration public safety, Austroads and Main Roads Western Australia (MRWA) guidelines, along with existing public and private infrastructure. The upgrade project aligns with the City’s Road Safety Action Plan and the Rockingham Integrated Transport Plan 2007 which calls for detailed investigations into road safety hotspots throughout the City to identify suitable solutions to reduce the risk of crashes.

Project status

Following community consultation for this project, we have reviewed the design for Read Street/Robinson Road intersection. After exploring the options available, the final option to be adopted is included in the summary and plans below. This option will address both the safety issues present and the continuing viability of businesses in the vicinity. 

The affected business community was informed about this decision on 7 March 2023.  To date, there has been no further feedback so we will proceed to construct this option in the next financial year.

Proposed upgrades

Here is a summary of the proposed upgrades on Read Street. You can view detailed plans below.

Patterson Road and Read Street

  • Extend turning lanes on Patterson Road on approaches to the intersection to provide additional capacity for vehicles and reduce the number of rear-end crashes.
  • Convert traffic signal movements on the southern approach of Read Street to increase the right-turn capacity for vehicles turning into Patterson Road.

Commodore Drive and Read Street

  • Close the right turnout from Commodore Dr by installing a traffic island to allow a left turn only. Motorists, however, can still safely access Patterson Road via the Cessnock Way/Patterson Road roundabout. This will also improve the safety of pedestrians.

Farris Street and Read Street

  • Create a cul-de-sac at the northern access to the slip road and provide a dedicated left turn lane from Farris Street onto Read Street. The left turn lane will improve the safety and efficiency of the intersection.

Leghorn Street and Read Street

  • Install a splitter island in the existing turning lane for traffic turning left from Read Street onto Leghorn Street. The splitter island will improve sight distance by shifting left turning vehicles further away from the through traffic on Read Street

Swinstone Street and Read Street

  • Upgrade street lighting and create dedicated left and right lanes on Swinstone Street.

Robinson Road and Read Street

  • Install a splitter island and a broken white line in the existing turning lane from Read Street into Robinson Road. Right turn traffic at the central median of Read Street would be given the priority  to access the commercial precinct via Robinson Road. Southbound traffic turning left from Read Street into Robinson Road would have to give way at the broken white line. This minimal controlled movement will reduce uncertainty to vehicles and pedestrians and improve overall safety at the intersection.

Frequently asked questions

What are the reasons for these particular upgrades along Read Street?

These treatments are intended to improve public safety by reducing the number of crashes and improving pedestrian amenity and accessibility.  Since Read Street is a major north-south corridor in the City, these upgrades will deliver benefits to the wider community.

Why is the existing footpath at Read Street/Leghorn Street (in front of Hungry Jack) being re-aligned?

This footpath is in the vicinity of Rockingham Senior High School and there is an increasing number of students travelling on it to cross Read Street. The new footpath alignment is intended to improve safety by reducing the number of conflicts with traffic along the footpath route.

What is the rationale behind creating a cul-de-sac at Read Street slip road/Farris Street intersection?

The Read Street slip road at Farris St (four way) is a minor intersection. This minor intersection is in close proximity to the major intersection at Read Street. With various traffic movements at minor and major intersections overlapping with one another, there were a high number of clashes at this location. By closing the northern leg of this minor intersection, the risk of incidents will significantly be reduced.

A cul-del-sac will be provided to allow on-road traffic in the Read Street slip road to turn around, especially the rubbish trucks

Will access to adjacent businesses/properties/schools be affected during construction?

Yes, there will be disruption in accessing businesses/properties/schools around these intersections during construction however we will minimise any inconvenience by providing on-site traffic management.

Will any other infrastructure near the works be upgraded too?

Yes, we will take the opportunity to re-route/replace some footpaths to improve access for cyclists and pedestrians. We will also undertake a lighting study of all affected intersections to determine if an upgrade is required.


Read Street, Rockingham
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