The details and timeline for the project are as follows:
Stage | Where | Timeline |
1 | Boundary Road to Coventry Road | 2023/2024 |
2 | Coventry Road to McLarty Road | 2024/2025 |
3 | McLarty Road to Safety Bay Road | 2025/2026 |
The main aim of installing a plateau is to slow down the traffic which creates a safer environment for pedestrians and cyclists. An example of a plateau is shown below.
No. Cyclists will be able to move over the plateaus easily as they have a gentle slope that complies with Main Roads WA guidelines.
When the Safety Bay Shoalwater Foreshore Master Plan was done in 2018, it was based on a desktop study and the available information at the time. Since then, we have conducted further research onsite and had to amend the original plan to accommodate the existing utility services, bus routes and other site constraints at the nominated intersections. Our proposed alternative treatments are equally effective traffic calming devices and will achieve a similar result: to improve safety for cyclists and pedestrians in the area.
The type of traffic treatment we use depends on a number of factors such as traffic volume, speed limit, vehicle type, site constraints, adjacent land use etc.
The traffic volume at Safety Bay Road is about 12,000 vehicles/day travelling at 60kmh whereas the traffic volume at Arcadia Drive is around 2500 vehicles/day travelling at 50kmh. As the traffic volume and speed limit are lower on Arcadia Drive, we have opted for different traffic treatments.
A pedestrian crossing with a raised refuge island was initially considered for the Shoalwater Reserve Activity Node, although it is not necessary due to the low traffic volume in the area. This type of pedestrian crossing also requires the road to be widened which will impact on the street lighting, utility pits and City assets at the Shoalwater Reserve Activity Node therefore it is not the preferred option.