Prohibited Burning Period Extended

The Department of Fire and Emergency Services has further extended the Prohibited Burning Period to Sunday 12 May 2024. No Permits to Burn will be issued during this time. All enquiries to 9528 0333.

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Seniors engagement

Seniors Advisory Committee 

The Seniors Advisory Committee represents the community by providing advice/support to Council on the implementation of the Seniors Strategy. The committee meets bi-monthly at the City of Rockingham Administration Building on Thursdays from 10am.

Community membership is reviewed every two years between July and September each non-election year.

The terms of reference for this position are to provide strategic To provide information, advice and guidance to Council on matters pertaining to seniors within the City of Rockingham.

Age-friendly Rockingham Network Three seniors at community workshop

The Age-friendly Rockingham Network group meets bi-monthly. It provides local service providers and groups that work with seniors an opportunity to share information, build networks and establish collaborative partnerships.

For more information about the Age-friendly Rockingham Network, contact us on 9528 0333 or

Age Friendly Rockingham logo





Rock Port - your personal gateway to the City

We have a secure online portal to make it quicker and easier for community members and organisations to keep in touch with the City. Called Rock Port, the portal enables residents and ratepayers to connect and engage with the City anywhere, anytime using any PC, tablet or mobile device. It's a great way to find out about what is happening in the City, pay your rates, participate in surveys, and add your influence to future plans and strategies.

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